I have one of these engines and legs if you let me know what parts you are looking for Iii try to help.
The power head is a Honda as fitted to thier new 6hp outboard engine and all parts are avelable from honda.
The leg Im still working on.
I m looking for water pump. Also Im not sure how to connect the fuel hose. There is only one hose from fuel pump but in carburettor side there is 2 hose connectors. By the manual there has to be 2 hose connectors in fuel pump as well.
Try Marinepower Engineering in Norfolk, 01603 720001 for the water pump.
As to fuel lines there should be the main line from tank etraing the pump below the metal pipe to the carb. There is another hose that exits the pump and this should fit to the air itake manifold just before the carb.
Sorry my spelling is s*** anyway if you have downloaded the link below, then goto picture No 10 which gives a good diagram of the carb and the pipes and where they connect.