Volvo Penta 120S Saildrive/Gearbox shims


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24 Oct 2006
Bristol channel
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I have just bought a secondhand volvo 120s saildrive leg as my old one had corroded due to the previous owner leaving it afloat with a detached anode.

In the saildrive there is a tapered bearing supporting the top of the vertical driveshaft into which the splined shaft from the gearbox slides. There are a number of shims that need to be inserted so that when the gearbox is bolted to the saildrive a set preload is appled to the tapered bearing. In a nutshell you would think a measurement would be given with the instructions for the neoprene saildrive seal, but you are refereed to the saildrive workshop manual. Does anyone out ther know what the clearance and/or shim setting should be? Heres hoping :)
16 May 2001
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I have the W/M in pdf.

Working from home this morning so if you send me a Pm with your email address, I'll email the relevant pages to you

Steve Cronin