Volvo gearbox failures


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22 Jun 2003
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Good morning and good sailing!

Does anyone have one of the Volvo 2000 series diesels that is "at risk of" or has suffered sudden gear box failure? This problem is documented on the Westerly and Moody websites. In certain engines, splines in the gearbox can become worn and suffer sudden failure, without warning, resulting in a complete loss of power. Some say it's a design fault. Volvo, of course, denies this and blames installation issues and "abuse" (see letter from Volvo on the Moody site)

I have an "at risk engine, but it would cost a packet to get it checked - the whole engine would have to come out to get at the gearbox. I'm trying to decide whether to bite the bullet and wonder if anyone else has experience of this problem?

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We had problems on a new Bavaria 34 fitted with a Volvo 2000 sail drive unit.
I personally had a problem where I could not engage gear. Other skippers reported problems of engine suddenly stopping. Opal marine had several repeated journeys to sort out the problem. They finally put it down to wrong gearbox oil. Hmm.. I find this hard to believe. The problem does seem to have gone away though. Maybe because the new engine has now loosened up.

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7 Sep 2001
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You have two choices, either remove it now and modify the coupling, so it never breaks or leave it and hope it doesn't break or at least not at a critical time, I know what I would do. You only have one engine, I suppose?

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5 Nov 2002
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Are we talking about the same series of engine here. I thought the gearbox problems with the splines were on the series before the 2010/20/30 now being made, that earlier series being the 2000 series. Am I wrong on this. I imagine the engines being fitted to the new Bavarias are the 2030 series. I noticed at the Boat Show that the 2030 exhibited no longer had the Volvo Gearbox fitted to mine but rather had a Hurth I think it was. Since I have a 2030 I thought I was immune from the gearbox problem. Am I wrong? Incidently had trouble last week with a faulty alarm unit which sounded faintly all the time (but still sounded properly when those pesky Jelly Fish blocked the water inlet) Solution, throw money at it - £180 for new insert for the panel!

<hr width=100% size=1><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by tillergirl on 22/06/2003 22:34 (server time).</FONT></P>


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17 Sep 2002
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Re: Volvo Saildrive?

I don't know about the gearbox problems you detailed, but will have a look at the Moody site. I recently taken delivery of a new Hanse with a Volvo 2020.

Its got about 30 hrs on the engine now, & I've been noticing a high pitched whine at about the mid rev's band. Sounds very similar to a fan belt slipping. Stops at low revs & also stops when you up the revs a bit. Its loud enough that you wouldn't want to listen to it all the time.

I've been told by the agent that its the saildrive, and that its normal. I'm not too sure about this, and want to make sure I get any teething problems sorted out before any warranty period ends. Now I've read these posts I'm wondering if its something more sinister.

We did have a 25 fter with a 2010/Saildrive in, & it never made these noises, but that did have 300+ hours running in.

Anybody else's Volvo / Saildrive unit sounded like a clapped out escort when leaving berth.

Any assistance, much appreciated,


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Call me an pesimist, but why is only one company offering a remedy for this problem. If everyone who has a Volvo 2000 range decides they must do this mod. someone is on to a very nice little earner !. Think I'll start a worrying little rumour and wait for the money to roll in.

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16 May 2001
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Volvo gearboxes

You are correct, the problem affects V-P 2001, 2002, 2003 engines as noted below (from Westerly Owners web-site.

If your Volvo engine serial number is 2300059128 or less - then you are at risk *
*At different times Volvo have quoted other serial numbers - use this ‘cut-off’ number with caution.

I think these engines / gearboxes just reached into the early 1990's.

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16 May 2001
S. Yorkshire / Devon
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I have an 'at risk' engine and gearbox and I continue to use it as I always have.

1. Assume it won't always work correctly.

2. Practice sailing into confined waters and berthing / anchoring without engine or too much fuss.

3. Never slam from forward to astern or vice versa (or manoeuver in a way that requires that).

4. Never run lightly loaded eg. motor sailing with hardly any power on.

If it fails I will fix it. If I need to dismantle the engine / gearbox for another reason I will check it.

It would appear that a lot of fuss has been generated for a problem that certainly exists, but in small numbers given the vast number of these drive systems fitted throughout the 80's.

It has been said that a potential 'cause' is not greasing the splines with the right stuff on assembly, so the builder / or installer might have a role in this.

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22 Jun 2003
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Thanks for these replies, folks. It's always interesting to have other people's "take" on this. I found another "at risk" owner on another board who is taking the same line as you, Andy - as I am doing for the time being. It's hard to call, though - too many imponderables.

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22 Jun 2003
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Re: Volvo Saildrive?

Whatever's causing this, I don't think it would be the gearbox problem, which, it seems, is symptomless until the failure happens. (Minds you, I'm no engineer!)

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23 Dec 2001
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The problem extends far bejond the two boat ranges you mention. Having assisted a friend repair his Volvo gearbox I would honestly recomend not to bother and go for box from a dedicated designer, such as PRM. You don't have to stick with the Volvo box and one from PRM is built better, lasts a lot longer and above all would, in my friends case have cost less than half what he ended up paying!!


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