The LCD info panel in my Volvo tachometer (on the flybridge) becomes unreadable when it gets hot in the bright sun. Anyone else had this and got it replaced under warranty?
Yep, I've got the same problem, after about two hours it fades away to nothing at all. It doesn't need to be hot sun, any kind of moderate sunlight seems to do it. They've already been replaced once, and the replacements have the same problem. I would be interested to hear from anyone who has the evc displays on their flybridge that don't fade away after a couple of hours. Anybody?
Never had this problem with ours, flybridge or internal, the only issue we get is that the instrument actually appear to freeze and can only be reset by stopping the engine and restarting.
All LCD displays fade when they heat up over 50degrees C so maybe this is the issue. It's the same with leaving a digital watch in the Sun.
Try looking for a protective coating to put over the glass - maybe something like the mobile phone protectors and see if that helps to reduce heat radiation.
That's all I can think of to help but I'm surprised that strong sunlight would be a problem in the UK this summer
I have the same problem with my Fishfinder and speed log on the fly bridge. Some times you can read them, some times not, nothing to do with heat though.
Jimmy, no problem with ours so far at all times of the year??
Obviously I'd be more than happy to swap them with yours (obviously would have include the rest of the boat as well!!)
Was supprise to see the boat on the market, hope all's well?
Thanks for this - this is very helpful to know. Is your boat also looked after by RK Marine?
Ref the boat being up for sale ... bit of a change of plan. If we can sell the P42 reasonably quickly then we'd like to go back to a sportcruiser. If we can't, then we'll just carry on enjoying it for what it is.
Yes RK have done the first two services for us, however not sure if they'll get the next one!!
Glad to hear your still liking the boat and interested to learn your plans to go back to a sportscruiser - any thoughts yet? Was in with Princess (Swanwick) today they confirmed there's a new V42 hardtop comming out at SIBS.
Your boat seems to have lost all its I wonder what a trade in would cost us via Princess for a P42???? - should stop dreaming /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Should have no covers and no cushions at the moment, they are doing some work on it. I believe all should be back together early next week.
If you fancy the P42, you know that Essex seem to be doing a brisk trade in Phantoms at the moment, yours would go in a blink and we could do a private deal! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif I'll await your PM.....!
I think it's to do with the manufacture of the displays. If the optical bonding is porr, this creates an air gap in the lcd and causes a greenhouse effect in the LCD screen wheras the tridata etc. don't have any air gap , therefore don't have the same problem with heat buildup.
I'm trudging along at 10knots just off cap ferrat as I type this, about 35degrees in no wind and hot sun, and mine (on the flybr) doesn't fade in the sun, so praps a fault with yours? There is a contrast adjustment but I guess you have tried that? Mine is about 3 yrs old
Sitting here in not-so-sunny Brighton it is hard to associate 'cap ferrat' with 'trudging'...
On this EVC display problem, it does sound like a bad batch or something, Philip I think has exactly the same displays as me, but his work, and mine don't (after a couple of hours).