rule the waves
New member
Hey everybody, maybe this has already been raised, but I seem to find more and more similar cases, so - I raise the issue (again): I have a VOLVO D4 225 - 150 engine hrs. Recently, the following occured several times - and then stayed away - for now : while (un)docking - so slow rev's - the engine suddenly stalls when shifting, mostly from reverse to forward. There is a long beep, afterwards a restart is no problem. But, there seems to be no trace (errorcode) left in the engine's computer (as verified by my technicians). On American fora, this problems emerges on regular bases, and most link it to moisture, ALTHOUGH THIS HAS NOT BEEN PROVEN IN ANY WAY ! Since the gear shifter is electrical (in my case) this seems à plausible answer, but it still remains a guess... Most boaters replace the shifter and the cable from the throttle lever, afterwards the problem stays away for some several hundred of hours. But, it comes back... The first time (I think in my present situation...) it appears to be quite random, but the experience of others prove it to get worse and more regular in time. Hence, it is a dangerous error, since it only occurs at low speed manuoevering in the harbour . Any ideas, clues ? THX, JAN