Volvo 2002 gearbox failure


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28 Sep 2002
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My gearbox failed recently in the following circumstances:- motoring at 1800rpm in calm conditions, the revs slowly increased over a period of a few minutes whilst at the same time boat speed decreased. Within 5 mins, all forward drive was lost but full drive was still available in reverse gear. The gearbox had worked perfectly before this incident (1,800 hrs) and there had been no abnormal "crash" changes. Checks on control cables etc showed that the gearchange quadrant was operating correctly and with the gearbox still in situ, a marine engineer was unable to suggest what had failed. ( it was nothing to do with spline wear -- these are still OK )
This experience of a further mode of Volvo 2000 series geabox failure, with almost equally serious implications as spline failure, is a matter of much concern. Comments on similar failures and what is needed for repair, would be much appreciated.
Jack Cairns Westerly Fulmar "Shearwater"



I've not heard of a similar failure, as you say, most worrying. The splines are bad enough.

When you have got the gearbox out perhaps you could let us know the diagnosis. You could also try the Westerly Owners forum if not contacted already. I'll put your message to the MOA also.
