I've been looking at this for an hour now. The more wine that goes down the less likely I am to reach the answer on my own... so I need help.
This (attached image) is the 2012 Imray Almancac Tide Tables entry for St Malo. Under Time Zone it says -0100 (French Standard Time). Then it says in bold Subtract 1 hour for UT
The bold bit makes perfect sense - the times are in French Standard Time which is UTC+1. The bit I can't get a handle on is the -0100. What is it referring to?
Further down the page under Sunrise and Sunset the page refers to European Standard time as UT-1. I thought European Standard time was UTC+1?
All the other French ports are similar so it is not a misprint. Why does it say -0100 and -1 rather than +0100 and +1?
This (attached image) is the 2012 Imray Almancac Tide Tables entry for St Malo. Under Time Zone it says -0100 (French Standard Time). Then it says in bold Subtract 1 hour for UT
The bold bit makes perfect sense - the times are in French Standard Time which is UTC+1. The bit I can't get a handle on is the -0100. What is it referring to?
Further down the page under Sunrise and Sunset the page refers to European Standard time as UT-1. I thought European Standard time was UTC+1?
All the other French ports are similar so it is not a misprint. Why does it say -0100 and -1 rather than +0100 and +1?