Yeah, it costs a lot more (for the moment). Other than that, no. It's better quality fuel, and your engines may be so surprised that they throw in the towel ;-)
Might not cost a lot more if you order a diesel company car.
You will just have to think of a good reason why mpg drops in the boating season, blame it on the air con ? /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
I want to look after my Pension that my company is currently paying into at a far greater rate than I am. Stroll on the next 4yrs so I can get away.
I'm too young to be able to rely on any pensions being around when I retire.
I will have to sell jerry cans of ' white gold juice ' from the corner of the marina car parks ( I best start saving cans now!) /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif