Using a battery with an inverter - help wanted

Yellow Man

New member
13 Jul 2020
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Hey folks. I need to run a small piece of electrical equipment off a 12v leisure battery, through an inverter.

I have rigged something up myself, but it is just not performing like it should. To be honest, it is beyond me. I have concluded that I don’t have the skills or understanding of the technology. Or indeed the risk.

It needs to be portable - I have it on a portable trolley at the moment.

I am looking for someone who can do this for me/sell me the set up. Any suggestions of a business/company with these skills? I am looking to buy in expertise/services – not receive advice on how to do it.


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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Hey folks. I need to run a small piece of electrical equipment off a 12v leisure battery, through an inverter.

I have rigged something up myself, but it is just not performing like it should. To be honest, it is beyond me. I have concluded that I don’t have the skills or understanding of the technology. Or indeed the risk.

It needs to be portable - I have it on a portable trolley at the moment.

I am looking for someone who can do this for me/sell me the set up. Any suggestions of a business/company with these skills? I am looking to buy in expertise/services – not receive advice on how to do it.


Welcome to the YBW Forums.

You may guess that Liveaboard Link is bit of a specialist back water so you could get a better response to your question in Reader to Reader.

Again significant if you want to buy-in help, where are you❓

Best of luck sorting it.


ps I am an electrical engineer?