Premiere (moodys) on the hamble has a huge show of sail and to a lesser extent Power. Lots of visitors and a good range oif boats which normally have been for sale all year but the owners want rid. Ancaster of Poole also do a large used boat show as well.
Most of the Hamble yards will have a small show on as well.
They offer a special deal to sellers for storage and lift out, its attractive enough to pull in many more boats; existing brokerage boats are still there.
The best time to view is a week before the used boat show starts, as the volume of unsold boats is high and the choice is better.
We took our boat round to Shamrock Quay last year for the boat show and decided to visit the 2nd hand show at Swanick. Not only did we have to pay short term mooring but because we moored on a hammerhead without radioing ahead, they asked me to move as they were expecting the bertholder back. Needless to say he didn't return.- not impressed. /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif Geoff
I'm puzzled by your comments, you say you were not happy to be moved because you were on someone else's mooring. How would you have felt if when you got back to your mooring you couldn't berth up because a visitor had moored there and the marina had not asked them to move. You would have had a right moan at the marina..... seems like the marina staff just can't win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Perhaps I should have expanded more. My biggest gripe was having to pay to visit the 2nd hand boat show. As regards to mooring on someone elses berth I totally agree with your comments. It was the attitude of the dockmaster who I felt was being bloody minded purely because I failed to radio first. I said to swmbo at the time I did not think the berth holder would return in the short time we were there.Geoff.