Finally a break in the weather allowed me and some friends to go out and enjoy some diving.
As I quite enjoy sitting in the sun relaxing whilst my mates go diving, I was skipper of our 6mtrs bright orange RIB for the weekend. It’s usually a nice and peaceful once all the noisy divers have submerged, and hence very relaxing.
Not this weekend though!!! /forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif
Despite flying this flag:
: Diving operations are indicated by flying one of two nationally recognized "Diver Down" flags, or navigation lights if at night. Either signifies a danger area. Stay well clear of diving operations because divers can easily stray from the diving vessel. The key point indicated by this flag is the vessel is restricted in the ability to manoeuvre.
I had to put the RIB in the way of at least six boats, both power and sail to prevent them running over my divers. All our divers use orange or red surface marker “sausages”.
This may get boring but I’d like anyone who reads this to take note of the following:
BBC Accident report
MCA accindent report Scary huh?
Two incidents at the weekend stand out and the stupidity of the skippers take some believing: first green and white sail boat using engine power only got to within two boats lengths before my shouting got his attention. He turned away, without any sign of apology! I asked/shouted if he knew what the dive flag meant, he ignored me. I shouted if he would like to apologise; he raised his hand a few inches and continued on his way!!!!
Second incident: Big aluminium catamaran, which unfortunately appeared to be a dive charter boat. Speed probably 20knts, with huge wake (would have made a great photo!) Despite me waving and putting the RIB in his way, the boat made only small changes of course and didn’t reduce speed. His passengers were waving at him to change course. He eventually passed within 25mtrs of one of my diving pairs, who were only 3 mtrs below the surface completing their decompression stops!
Unfortunately I was too busy trying to avoid being rammed to make note of the boat name, even though it wasn't very clearly marked on the hull! When I find out it will be reported to the MCA
Surely if a boat is in your path waving and shouting you'd slow down to check what's up.....wouldn't you? /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Can you mention this to all your boating friends, if it stops once diver getting turned in fish food, it'll be worth it!
(sorry about the multiple posting!)
As I quite enjoy sitting in the sun relaxing whilst my mates go diving, I was skipper of our 6mtrs bright orange RIB for the weekend. It’s usually a nice and peaceful once all the noisy divers have submerged, and hence very relaxing.
Not this weekend though!!! /forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif
Despite flying this flag:

I had to put the RIB in the way of at least six boats, both power and sail to prevent them running over my divers. All our divers use orange or red surface marker “sausages”.
This may get boring but I’d like anyone who reads this to take note of the following:
BBC Accident report
MCA accindent report Scary huh?
Two incidents at the weekend stand out and the stupidity of the skippers take some believing: first green and white sail boat using engine power only got to within two boats lengths before my shouting got his attention. He turned away, without any sign of apology! I asked/shouted if he knew what the dive flag meant, he ignored me. I shouted if he would like to apologise; he raised his hand a few inches and continued on his way!!!!
Second incident: Big aluminium catamaran, which unfortunately appeared to be a dive charter boat. Speed probably 20knts, with huge wake (would have made a great photo!) Despite me waving and putting the RIB in his way, the boat made only small changes of course and didn’t reduce speed. His passengers were waving at him to change course. He eventually passed within 25mtrs of one of my diving pairs, who were only 3 mtrs below the surface completing their decompression stops!
Unfortunately I was too busy trying to avoid being rammed to make note of the boat name, even though it wasn't very clearly marked on the hull! When I find out it will be reported to the MCA
Surely if a boat is in your path waving and shouting you'd slow down to check what's up.....wouldn't you? /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Can you mention this to all your boating friends, if it stops once diver getting turned in fish food, it'll be worth it!
(sorry about the multiple posting!)