I have some mould marks on my upholstery that do not want to budge, is it possible to dye this leatherette style upholstery? seems a shame as the condition is quite good, i.e. no tears or holes.
Not sure about dye, but there is a vinyl paint available. never used it so not sure how good it is or if it will last. Probably similar to the stuff you can buy to refurb inflatables.
Assume the mould is very ingrained?
I used a product for cleaning RIB tubes on my upholstery (Promarine RIBshine - See last months MBM) That worked well but not sure it will get out mould if it has "grown" into the vinyl.
cant remember names but there are companies that supply leather /vinyl 'wash' which is a water based re colouring system where you match the colour and rub into the affected area and is permanent, traditionally i think you coloured then 'fastened' using stronger chemicals.
try a search for leather refurbishing /colouring on google.
Ive used some on some old car leather seats and its lasted and looks indistinguishable from the original
one of the companies is in Rochdale that do the water based colour repairs