Turbo charging diesels.



Has anybody tried turbo charging a Ford XLD 416? I have acquired the inlet, outlet manifolds, dump valve, pipework valves and the turbo from a Ford Mondeo (for not a lot) and I will attempt the upgrade over the next couple of months. Why bother you might say well for a modest investment of £100 total I hope to achieve - less noise, less vibration (due to better combustion), more torque so fewer revs with larger prop (see other posting). Plus its a challenge to a chemical engineer that should know better!
If anybody has experience of turbo charging diesel engines that would care to share their experiences with me I would appreciate any information or words of wisdom that come my way.



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21 Jun 2001
N Hampshire
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Friend of mine tubo'd 2 x 120hp fords (6 cylinders).

He first spoke to Lancing Marine, Mike Bellamy, who was very helpful and very well informed. He eventually bought kit from Lancing and found fitting very easy.


Well-known member
30 May 2001
North from the Nab about 10 miles
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You need to check the specs for the two versions of the engine. You will almost certainly also have to use different injectors, and the pump timing may have to be altered.

Also check whether the oil feed/cooling arrangements are adequate, and whether Ford fitted any sort of Piston crown cooling on the turbo version. This is usually in the form of an oil jet that sprays on the underside of the Piston to help prevent it from overheating and burning with the increased power.

But talk to a diesel expert like Mike Bellamy first, as you may well find you can take short cuts safely.