Travel insurance.


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31 Jan 2003
in limbo at the mo.
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I don't know if they still offer the insurance, when we lived in Greece, we took out a get out of jail type policy, this covered the cost of flying us from the island to the mainland hospitals in case emergency treatment was needed, the cost was only around 70 euros in total, it was with Inter American, it is possible they may do a holiday type insurance as well, could be worth a look.


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30 May 2001
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I use Insure and Go. Never claimed but they're cheap and cover sailing

We also use Insure and Go, now owned by a Spanish company. We did have to make a claim for hospital treatment last year, €1k +, repayment was rather slow and tortuous but it did happen. We've just had our renewal and our premium has reduced!!


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30 May 2001
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Owned now by Mapfre who handle the claims for most of the insurers in Europe

Yes and don't we just know it, I lost count of the number of times I had to phone them.

Insure and Go was originally owned by a fellow boater, Perry Wilson who we met and enjoyed a pleasant few days with many years ago. He sadly died very young a few years ago.


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8 Jun 2003
South France
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I came across this problem about 12 years ago when I wanted travel insurance to cover sailing trip from the uk to Portugal. I lived in france at the time and as you say most companies seem to insist on UK residence. It seems the French don't do travel insurance. I found a company based in Denmark who provide annual or trip insurance and you only had to specify your country of residence so that you could not claim for problems there. It was a bit unusual in that they set a maximum limit on any one claim at about £250k and provided you could provide proof of expenditure they were not really concerned on what you had spent it on. This seemed to me to be good idea as they agreed it would cover the cost of evacuation of a boat if you should need it and if any country or service would charge for it.
The company was sold to BUPA and I used it up to about 3 years ago when we returned to the UK. At the time it was not much more expensive than those offering cover for UK residents so it might be worth checking g if BUPA still offer this insurance at a reasonable price.
Fortunately I never had to make a claim so cannot comment on the practical side of the srevice


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1 Dec 2005
Aground in Yorkshire awaiting a very high tide
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We just used the EU card in the Med but since heading west have been with Bishop Skinner/Bluefin; reasonable (we think) premium and when we had the misfortune to need/make a serious claim they were BRILLIANT!

One thing I now advise you consider - we'd never thought about it in advance either: Over and above recovering the medical costs, a good Medical Insurer can achieve things that you couldn't. even with a hefty credit card; in my case they secured a seat on a 'full to capacity' aircraft less than an hour before its take-off time and had it wait an extra fifteen minutes for the taxi to get me there.


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13 Jul 2011
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We have used World Nomads for the last 5 years and they paid our only claim promptly. The advantage for us was that we could start a policy even though we had already left our country of residence.


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9 Mar 2015
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a yank wrote on another forum I use said:
I spend most of my time in SE Asia, and there are multiple European insurers who will cover you here. My plan is $80/month for any and all inpatient care. It was an extra 80 per month for normal doctor care, outpatient stuff, but I didn't need it. I'm a young healthy guy so I mostly need it for terrible motorcycle accidents or an unexpected medical expense for unforeseen illness.

When I first left home I kept Obamacare for 1 year, paid through the nose, and then realized it was not smart.
I asked him who he was with, he said ACS. I assume this lot: