Travel Bag? Any Ideas


New member
3 May 2002
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Re: The Idea

i think the prob you have is that it is not just a select few items that you want to keep dry it is usually a fairly broad range of bits and bobs.

the scenarios when you need to take dstuff that is kept dry are
swinging mooring
a major decamp. your tube will not be enough. you want a big waterproof item to remove all your bits and keep them all dry.

anchor at night
you want your cash, maybe keys , a torch , a wallet , a phone and lifejackets

they already do those floaty tubes for cash and keys. covers for mobiles etc
so waterptoof rucksack thingy is maybe better as you still need to store lifejackets

well you pick the boat up from a marina each time so you only really do the above or you have everything you need with you. except what is on the boat which should include
hand bearing compass
first aid

i think you need to rethink your product
i am not being harsh but i think the niche is filled if there is one at all.

Come on brain.get this over and i can go back to killing you with beer


Well-known member
16 May 2001
France, sailing Aegean Sea.
Says a lot about Twisters

Small boats are no place for something rigid. Whatever you choose needs to be flexible so it can be scrunched up into any size or shape of locker. <font color=red>None or very small stowage space</font color=red>

It needs to be padded to protect contects from all the knocks which get inflicted on anything aboard a boat. <font color=red>No room to swing a cat. Squeeze through spaces that you can walk through in other boats</font color=red>

It should be robust enough to withstand prolonged use in a hostile environment. <font color=red>Like in a Twister</font color=red>

It should be easily cleaned, coz stuff on boats often ends up mucky. <font color=red>No comment!</font color=red>

It shoud be affordable!

It needs to be waterproof enough to withstand rain, spray and the odd bit of solid water - but probably not fully submersible for long periods. <font color=red>Like most wooden boats, leaks like a sieve</font color=red>

It should be in a hi-viz colour for those "where did I put that bag with my wallet in it?" moments. <font color=red>deep gloom aboard due to inadequate windows and portlights</font color=red>

It should have at least two 'independent' handles so that it can be passed from dinghy to boat without a risk of it being dropped. <font color=red>very difficult to board and disembark</font color=red>

;~) Vyv
16 May 2001
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Take a look at...

..(although I've already mentioned it) the bag that Bavaria Yachts give to new owners. It has most of the features you and others suggest and is of good quality. I think you will get a few good ideas from it. Contact Opal Marine or if they're not co-operative, email me & I'll send you a photo.

Steve Cronin