Traffic Separation Scheme Question


New member
16 May 2001
North Bucks
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Although I understand that I am required to head at 090 to the lane across the TSS, can I steer at other than that whilst in the 'dead' zone in the middle - the purple bit on an Imray chart? I am thinkinking particularly about the wide 'dead' bit across from the Eastbourne/Rye area which is wider than either the East or West going lanes. It would be useful to be able to make up any lost ground in the middle bit before steering across the next lane on the requored heading.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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I have just read the rule

rule 10 c says "A vessel shall,so far as practicable,avoid crossing traffic lanes but if obliged to do so shall cross on a heading as nearly as practicable at right angles to the general direction of flow of traffic."

As it specifically says "traffic lane" I would say that the seperation zone in the middle is not covered by the 90°rule.


New member
26 Aug 2002
Peoples Republic of London
I wouldn't try it.

Rule 10 states:

e) A vessel other than a crossing vessel or a vessel joining or leaving a lane shall not normally enter a separation zone or cross a separation line except:

(i) in cases of emergency to avoid immediate danger;

(ii) to engage in fishing within a separation zone.

Also, it is not crossing the traffic lane at 90 degrees that matters but rather crossing the lane at 90 degress to the traffic flow taking the headings of the other vessels into account.

The separation zone exists for a good reason and any use of it in a manner other than what it is intended for is likely to land you in the local magistrates as Dover Coastguard and Gris Nez Traffic monitor the TSS very closely.


New member
15 Nov 2004
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Erm - Rule 10 seems to apply for those using the lanes ...

A vessel other than a crossing vessel or a vessel joining or leaving a lane

rather than small craft who are crossing ....

It would be silly not to allow crossing craft to change course in the seperation zone - it may not be safe to continue over to the next lane ...


New member
20 Jan 2002
South Yorkshire
I completely understand rule 10 crossing tss...But the scenario go's sailing yacht crosses the east going lane with no problem and upon reaching the central divide line for east to west lane, congestion builds and you have several vessels trundling along at 20 or so knots, yacht only making 5 knots if he crosses he risks being run down ...dose he cross...heave to...or if safe to do so run parallel to commercial vessels on the divide line area and when they pass cross tss at 90 stated.. your thoughts!


New member
26 Aug 2002
Peoples Republic of London
Looking at each of these options one at a time I would say......

If you cross and risk being run down then crossing is not a good option unless you plan to alter course to starboard and pass astern of that particular group of vessels and then alter back once they are clear.

Running parallel to commercial traffic following the traffic lane whilst you are in a separation zone is frowned upon. However you are required to join a lane at a shallow angle therefore so long as you are converging on the lane slowly and not running parallel to it this would be acceptable. However once you are actually in the lane you are not allowed to then do a wild alteration of course to cross the lane at 90 degress. You must also leave the lane at a shallow angle.

Heaving to whilst in the separation zone and keeping well clear of the separation lines may be considered an option by some as it buys you time and allows for the traffic situation to improve before going for the gap.