Trafalgar 200 Questions

  • Thread starter Deleted User YDKXO
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Deleted User YDKXO

I'm thinking about chartering a boat for either the Fleet Review or the Son et Lumiere days. Couple of questions

1) Will the Son et Lumiere be viewable from a boat or are they going to stop pleasure boats getting anywhere near?

2) Will you need some kind of permission to anchor to view either the Son et Lumiere or the Fleet Review and where might be the best positions to view these events, weather permitting?


New member
29 Oct 2003
(Me) Thames (Boat) South Coast
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I also wish to be out and about on the solent that week. All the info I've seen is not that clear but there was a good article in the Sunday Times couple of weeks back which showed in good detail where things were happening and where small craft exclusion zones were etc. Private boats/small craft will be not be allowed anywhere near the anchored ships let alone getting a good view point of the main attractions. The anchored naval vessels are anchored from Stokes bay right up to almost Calshot where there is an exclusion zone from the beach out to the channel with no small craft being aloud "in" anywhere. They also have loads of ribs controlling this. Unless you've got a queen on board to inspect the ships at anchor, sorry "The Queen" I think you will need good bins. Praps the best vantage point looks to be behind the submarine barrier somewhere between Southsea and Horsesand fort, near Dolphin Gate ?

Also try here QHM


Active member
18 Jun 2003
Location - boat on solent- RIB on Tidal Thames
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After the palava of last weekends' boat handling skills SHMBO is now having second thoughts of putting to sea at all during these weeks.

I agree it is all very confusing one minute you need a flag then you do not and the proposed anchoring sites will be shocking in any swell which is almost g'teed.

Be interesting to see what the overall view is on here as to where and when to go. I had orginally planned to attend the Review rehersal as thought it might be quiet.


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11 Jun 2001
Stratford upon Avon/Sant Carles
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I can't help thinking that being at anchor for the day in a fairly small section of the Solent with all sizes of vessels milling around that it will be pretty uncomfortable.

I am taking some non boating friends down for the day and I'm sure they would not appreciate bobbing around for a few hours at the end of a chain. It would be much better if there was a clear route for small vessels to potter along with a good view for about an hour or two then disappear to the nearest pub.

or am I missing something?


New member
30 Jul 2002
We were thinking about it - but decided to book one of the ferry trips. Hopefully they will get a good position.

We thought the dark, the wash and only having 25ft of boat wasn't a good combination /forums/images/graemlins/crazy.gif.

Deleted User YDKXO

Thanks, delf, I was aware of the website but now I've dug deeper into it, I can see that it answers my questions. Appreciate the help