
Do any of you have boats with sea toilets and a holding tank?? if your answer is yes do you have or have you ever had a problem with 'that toilet smell' stinking your boat out.
I am aware of what causes it and how to get rid of it, i just wonders what sort of boats get it. Is it a particular boat manufacturer or system
Any comments please let me know!!



16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Ah!! Well!!
Now your speaking to the experts.
The finest brains on holding tanks, toilets, there treatment in love and war!!

Books include.

How to be kind to a holding tank!

Holding tanks and smacking. ( Not for the faint hearted)

Training and education of holding tanks!

If these are not ordered, read in infinate detail and the instructions followed to the letter.

Books are available on the following topics!!

The angry holding tank!

And last but not least.

The XXX rated. And not for children or old men


Books are free but Matts transport I'm afraid 10 quid post and packing.

Some body fill him in please.



Re: are holding tanks a load of shit?

Only Haydn (hlb) is allowed to discuss toilet-related matters. The rest of us use air freshener, and change the subject.

Once, we had some friends round opn boat for drinks nice evening, and Mrs S went to the loo just for a moment down below, and just before she came out the most godawful smell belted up the companionway and pretty much turned all the seating yellow. It was so bad that I cdn't really sort of ignore it, otherwise our guests would think that we lived in a cowshed, so I just had to make a comment. Tried to say something tasteful, but I think I sed "Cor jeez flippineck, what have you been eating it smells like a blimmin Dinosaur has just done one" or similar. Turned out that the holding tank was jammed full and creeping up the vent pipe.

Deleted User YDKXO

Every boat I've ever had with a holding tank smells. Our current boat has the holding tank under our berth which is highly unsavoury to say the least........' was that you or the holding tank, dear?'
I've tried all sorts of chemical treatments as well as flushing through with fresh water several times but nothing seems to work. Apart from ripping the whole system out and replacing it, what can you do? Any advice appreciated


ugh. I have heard that a spray varnish over the pipes, connections and tank will overcome possible porosity and still retain a decent appearance. Not tried it. Fraid I went so potty with chemicals that the boat smelt of harpic by the time i had finished.

Deleted User YDKXO

Harpic? I'd love it if my boat smelt of harpic. Porosity seems to be the problem and I've decided to change all the pipework this winter anyway. I'd sort of hoped that somebody knew of a magic chemical which could flush away all my problems but seems not


Noses smell

Toilets pong, stink, wiff, etc. I have found that some types of holding tanks are less smelly than others, regardles of the plumbing treatments etc. Its as if the smell gets through the plastic somehow. Don't know how you find the right one in your part of the world. Personally I am of the old school, bucket and chuck it. No more problems and a spray of aerosol air freshener does wonders. Destroys the ozone layers and polutes the oceans, but well, does it?


New member
21 Jun 2001
SW Florida
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We have a VacuFlush system and have never had a problem (in 7 years of frequent use) of holding tank smells, except on the first flush after the boat has been standing for a week in 90deg F heat. And that only emanates from the vent pipe. I've been meaning to put a carbon filter in the line, but never got around to it. Never have time, now I'm retired! I use holding tank stuff and after pump-out, I always rinse with plenty of water. Manfr also recommends filling toilet bowl with water, adding scoopful of powder detergent and flushing.
The oracle on marine toilets is Peggie Hall. Find her at

Every boat I've ever been on which has those other types of toilets, the hand pump and electrics has had an unpleasant toilet smell. Get a VacuFlush!