Thrilling dinghy vid


Well-known member
29 Dec 2010
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To be quite honest, I've never understood how it's possible to upload vids which appear as little screens, rather than just links to Youtube... I'm just trying it out. I'll be astonished if I make it work...

...anyhow, in case I don't, here's the link to the vid, which I think is very exciting. WARNING: HIT THE MUTE BUTTON BEFORE STARTING THE VID!
(I don't like the 420 very much, but in this footage, it's so nearly out of control, it's a thrill to watch)

WOW, IT WORKS! FANTASTIC! AMAZING, SOMETHING GOOD TO SAY ABOUT THE NEW FORMAT! Tragic, about that soundtrack. It's just as bad as the vid is good.
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New member
12 Aug 2006
Wild West Wales
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Can I ask why you don't like a 420?
Among several other boats I have a 420 which I sail with my kids, it's a great wee boat which is light and easy to control, quite forgiving and has all the toys to learn and play with. Spinny, trapeze. This video shows just how much fun it can be in a blow.


Well-known member
29 Dec 2010
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I admit, there's not much NOT to to like. I guess I've been in the habit of preferring bigger, quicker dinghies for sheer speed, and heavier varieties for my cruising dreams - so like the Laser, I've overlooked the fun the 420 can deliver.

No question of the entertainment factor in the clip - although I think that enormous swell has something to do with it! I can't think when I've seen such waves in the UK, without a lot of terrifying breaking, curling crests on top.
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Well-known member
3 Feb 2004
Boat (over winters in) the Clyde
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A fun and action packed video certainly.

However, suspect they are not top league 420 sailors - too much spinnaker flapping which destabilises the boat, and too many wobbles / capsizes.
At the highest end of the youth 420 sailing they would have absolutely nailed it in these ideal 420 conditions. As a world class spectator (only) of 420 events, it is amazing how the experts can plane these boats upwind in a strong breeze, slam round the windward mark, pop the kite and hammer downwind at great speeds without any drama (at the front end of the fleet). The top New Zealanders at the worlds in Auckland was a classic case in point - and some out our boys and girls have been pretty spectaculalr also (leading to our Silver successes in the bigger brother 470 this year).

My actual 420 sailing was less world class. In a huge breeze we once managed to beat Fireballs, 505 and even a Unicorn cat round the windward mark as they were so over-powered. Being young and gung ho we popped the kite up and hammered off downwind flat wiring - but being Enterprise sailors we realised too late we had no idea how to get the kite down in these conditions as unable to come back into the boat. A very wet ending to our heroics. Not unlike the team in the video.