While leafing through this months Sportsboat Mag ( It came free with my tender insurance !) I started reading a piece on tool kits and began to get a strange sense of De ja vous (Sp?)
The whole page is a direct copy of Barry D's post on the 21/12/01 entitled "8 most usefull tools ever"
Whats the explanation? is Barry D working for the opposition on the QT -his nom de plume is Martin"the tool" Campbell.(Its true he has been known to turn up on the sportsboat forum occasionally-usually trying to sell that V8 monster of his)
Or is it that the Sportsboat mag is so desperate for articles that they are having to steal our threads. If this is the case then we might as well sell them to it, what do you think Haydns exploding toilet is worth?
Thoughts and Input?
Can we sue, we could use the money to buy the burgees!!
The whole page is a direct copy of Barry D's post on the 21/12/01 entitled "8 most usefull tools ever"
Whats the explanation? is Barry D working for the opposition on the QT -his nom de plume is Martin"the tool" Campbell.(Its true he has been known to turn up on the sportsboat forum occasionally-usually trying to sell that V8 monster of his)
Or is it that the Sportsboat mag is so desperate for articles that they are having to steal our threads. If this is the case then we might as well sell them to it, what do you think Haydns exploding toilet is worth?
Thoughts and Input?
Can we sue, we could use the money to buy the burgees!!