The truth is out there



during my years in the Cold War as an agent in East Germany, I leraned to run operations through a series of cutouts, so that should the KGB rumble one of my operatives, the trail would not lead back to me.

Of course, in order to perpetrate the DFL hoax, I first needed to create a plausible fake identity to take the blame, in case DFL got rumbled.

So for weeks, the mild mannered BarryD asked reasonable questions about buying a boat, to establish his cover. Then, using IP spoofing and a satellite uplink to fool the sniffers, I created a hotmail account, Telnetted from there to the Pentagon servers, and in through the back door to create a Virtual Estate Agent.

By playing the parts of both BarryD and DFL, I was able to create a suitable occasion to allow me to bin the thread, under my assumed guise of Kim Hollamby. Sevaral fake posts later, having hacked in and become both matts, PaulineB and a Chartered Chimpanzee from Dumbarton, I confessed.

But, such was the depths of my cunning, that no-one bit. And so, after allowing KH to rumble me through the old IP tracking trick, the virtual BarryD takes the fall. Ahh, Colonel Pavlekov would have laughed at that one, if only I'd left him alive to laugh. But he had to go, you know. He knew too much...


Re: astounding!

Phew, at least I didn't e-flirt with you like that Pauline, serve her right to run off only to find you're a floppy disk.


New member
10 Sep 2001
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Dash it all man, I knew something was wrong when the suit would not fit over those strings you attached to my back and hands. But wait, if this spoofing trace track is correct then I don't exist. Do you realise the ramifications of this? The big head must find out ASAP.

Kirk to Enterprise, make mine a dunkin donut.

Barry D.


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16 May 2001
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Re: Hmmmmm

Confused now. But AISB writing style of DFL most closely resembled that of GW out of all people on this BB, IMHO. So plausible

GW, 2 questions plse: (1) is your deck teak (a)fake (b) real or (c)belongs to someone else? (2) Re your picture (before the go-ped), which town or whatever are you Lord Mayor of, so I can take extra precautions if ever pass by there, or if I already live there I'll withhold my Council tax and use the money to rebunker the Fairline till your account is paid off?



Active member
15 Jun 2001
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Can't we get back to motor boat chat, this is all too much for my tiny liittle brain to take in. I don't believe any of you are real now, it's all a ploy by IPC to create interest their mags.

And I was so looking forward to go down to Chichester this weekend to see MVII. Can someone put a Bayliner cardboard cut out in the harbour?