the truth about das Boot?


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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the other post got too long.

das Boot hired a professional skipper to help - but he was on board as owner. I've seen and done this, and happen to be an owner thast would normally have a commercial skipper - and am commmercially qualified skipper too which is quite fun cos i can validly refute garbage from skippers such as "owners don't like too much cleaning going on" - altho the skipper-owner relationship is always a match made in heaven or hell.

Anyway, with a hired-in qualified skipper, the owner is on a back seat regarding sailing/commanding the boat. He is as if in his own luxury hotel. He has the right to suggest a host of changes to the skipper regarding all sorts of bits and pieces like carpets, lighting, new anything, refit everything, and the skipper will put it on his list and gets on with it when ashore or time available.

Maritime lawe requires a skipper, and a commercial skipper so hired would be in control with responsibility at sea. If the hired skipper decides it's dodgy today - then that's that - regardless of what the owner says. Likewise regarding where and when to sail.

Ultimately, the owner has a single "magic bullet" - the power to make a single decision - and that is to fire the skipper, or not.

At sea, if the commercial skipper finds that all his commands are filtered, weighed, discussed, democratised - then he isn't the skipper - he's a fall guy. He risks going along with decisions he wouldn't take - but being held responsible as the "skipper" if anything goes wrong. He would be v wise to leave the boat at the next available opportunity - and by DB's own account he did exactly that.

Outside the commercial environment - the skipper is usually the owner. The only exception to this might be when there is a vast diference twixt abilities of newbie owner and another person's brought along. In these circumstances, usually one-off, everyone should and will be v clear about who makes the decsions, but a half-decent nonowning skipper will still explain his actions to the owner. Probably best to be senior mate - not skipper.

Das boot -like it or not - you are the skipper of your own boat. If not, you have to designate another to be skipper, and take a back seat at sea.

If you choose someone, but carp up about this and that, or pull rank as owner, then *in extremis* the skipper would be probably be within his rights to confine you to your cabin, and even use reasonable force with other crew to protect his position as skipper, master under god, guardian of boat and safety of other crew, imho - and it might even be seen as his duty to do so.

Of course, he would likely resign command or "jump ship" as you put it at the next port. Your hired-in chap was perfectly correct, and i wd do the same.

If you don't like it - take the plane to the med and get the others to sail the boat. Make sure one of them is the skipper. Then he has the right to take or dump other crew -and not you: at the moment, by owning the boat and especially by selecting the crew you ARE the skipper.


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23 Aug 2003
Brighton, UK
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Succint and I am in complete agreement. Any other approach and I wouldnt jump ship in the next port, I would not leave harbour in the first place.


Well-known member
22 Nov 2004
das Boot hired a professional skipper to help - but he was on board as owner....................... Das boot -like it or not - you are the skipper of your own boat. If not, you have to designate another to be skipper, and take a back seat at sea.

If you choose someone, but carp up about this and that, or pull rank as owner, then *in extremis* the skipper would be probably be within his rights to confine you to your cabin, and even use reasonable force with other crew to protect his position as skipper, master under god, guardian of boat and safety of other crew,..............

Of course, he would likely resign command or "jump ship" as you put it at the next port. Your hired-in chap was perfectly correct, and i wd do the same.

If you don't like it - take the plane to the med and get the others to sail the boat.............

[/ QUOTE ]

TCM - I agree with your basic viewpoint, but do you not think you're making some big assumptions concerning DB? What he actually said was:
"Then my daughter that ended up bossing me, not about running the boat, but about my disheveled looks when we were in port.
This was separately The only time I sailed with more than two was when I had a skipper on board just after I bought the boat he brought a crew member. They jumped ship in Cais Cais near lisbon."

DB sounds like a really nice bloke and not the kind of interfering crabbit carping monster/owner described by your good self. He simply has a hang up about crew, and his willingness and ability to manage that situation.

I apologise if I've misunderstood you, or taken your quotes out of context. (I suppose all quotes are, by definition, taken out of context). But it is an interesting discussion, and I respect DB's honesty (although I occasionally wondered whether he was just winding us up).


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5 Aug 2003
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And as far as hirachical construct, I would reccommend to read, THE GAMES PEOPLE PLAY, and THE HUMAN ZOO by Desmond Morris. There is a clear principle demonstrated that a hirachie is always formed on personality and skill, or power or looks.

Go back to where it all began, and you have the answers.

A boat, like it or not, is the last place for democracy. Imagine a ship of Nelsons fleet running on democracy?, they would first have a couple of years to decide the name of each line (a total of 10 miles I believe) on the ship, and once they have agreed on that, to get them to sail on democracy, would be impossible. A square rigger like the Cutty Sark took an hour to tack 90 degrees, but on clear commands, discipline and timing, not on democracy.

And if Columbus, had run on democracy, America would not have been discovered.

I discuss things, that gives me a lot of feed back to the skill, competence, confidence of crew. And I am able to identify the motor mouth. That is the guy in a team, who has always very good, utterly unpractical ideas. A guy who is lazy and likes to discuss, while the discussion goes on, all progress stops.

I usually aggree, and say, ok, since you had this brilliant idea, you shall implement it too. Rather than proving painstakingly by logics, experiment or calculation that it cannot be done, I let him knock his head. His motor mouth motors much less after that.

regards ongolo


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5 Aug 2003
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>And if Columbus, had run on democracy, America would not have been discovered.

Now I'll have to make a case for the vikings....

[/ QUOTE ]

shhhhh. there are still people who dont know that eric the red was there first, but it is known that Coumbus's crew wanted to turn back at a certain stage.

And on second though, looking at the wold today, it would have been better if they had turned back. You know what I mean.



11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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sorry, I was being a bit assumptive regarding the relationshiop between DB and that hired skipper and use of words like "carping" wasn't appropriate. Sorry.

Of course, it is entirely possible - likely even - that DB is a nice bloke, and entirely possible that the hired in skipper was a git.

But iwas talking about the relationship twixt DB as owner and the possibly not-awful hired-in skipper.

DB himself says he has a "problem with authority" - having it or being on the other side and as the person who selects theteam, that's a bit of a problem. They are going to have to be sort-of supercrew - the dream crew where one says "shall i shorten up the lines?" and another says "shall i do the nav?" and another says "shall i go to the supermarket?" which would hardly need a skipper, really.


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: No, Doenitz

In "the world at war" series by jeramy isaacs made in the 70's with narration by olivier, there's an interview with doenitz , old man by that time who cam across as a much nastier version of Davros, who i (just now) wonder if was modelled on Doenitz.... Anyway, Doenitz was extremely put out that the submarine effort was put on a back burner and convinced that the ww2 outcome wd have been quite diferent if, as he wanted, germany had built loads and loads of subs, making crossing the atlantic an impossibility with near-certainty of being sunk and not making it possibile for america to join nor for brits to get gear over. Never happened, but when hitler shot himself it was doenitz who took over for a v short while...