That'll teach me to feel smug -


New member
19 Sep 2005
Hampshire UK
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That\'ll teach me to feel smug -

Sent off my licence registration and direct debit mandate following the posts on here. Felt very pleased with myself that I had not already paid and that I would get my forms in before the cut off.

Went away on business and returned to SWMBO saying that a very friendly man from the EA had left me a voicemail saying I had not enlcosed the new boat safety cert and would I send it and they would match it to the application.

No problem said I and swiftly found the blue copy, enveloped it and gave it to SWMBO to post. Went off on another business trip. received a phone call from SWMBO saying "I cant find that envelope. I am sure I put it in the car to post today but it's gone, maybe it blew out of the car when I got out so I am looking in the drive with a torch." Hmmmmh thinks I already having a bad trip.

receive phone call next day from SWMBO. "I found it it was in the car all along and I have posted it." Great thinks I, still time for it to be there prior to the cut off. Return home last night to find a letter from the EA. Brilliant I think how efficient my licences must be here. Open envelope to find my direct debit manadates, registration forms and a nice letter saying I need to supply the Boat Safety Cert so they have returned forms. Immediately chastise SWMBO and the kids, the rabbit and next doors cat - it's all their fault, nothing to do with me forgetting in the first place.

So now have to return forms and pray they dont send the boat safety back as I am sending the forms back. 27th Jan today - when was the cut off?

/forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif "He who feels smug and takes no blame will always get kicked in the a""se" /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif


Active member
20 Dec 2001
Somewhere in the Med!
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Re: That\'ll teach me to feel smug -

Such is life Nick! your best bet is to come down to Chatham! no big river licence at all, that must be a £500 quid p.a. saving, help to pay for that nice shiny new engine!!! /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif



New member
19 Sep 2005
Hampshire UK
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Re: That\'ll teach me to feel smug -

lol - you're not wrong Barry - sat in Terminal 2 waiting for a flight again I know where I'd rather be. I keep popping down to the boat yard just to look at the shiney beast until we can get back on the water.
