I've got a NASA ssb receiver for getting weatherfax. The old laptop was crud and caused loads of interference in the signal, so I've invested in a shiny new laptop. The only thing is, the lead from the ssb to the laptop is a serial port lead. The new laptop doesn't have serial ports - it's only got USB ports (in common with most new machines I think).
I'm sure others have had this problem - does anyone know where I can get an adaptor or a replacement lead to connect the ssb to a USB port? The ssb end of it looks like a straightforward audio jack (i.e. like a walkman headphone jack). Also, how do I know which USB port to use (the thing's got 4 of them!)?
I want to us the jv comm software, which has been recommended, unless anyone knows of anything better?
Any help much appreciated, as always.
I'm sure others have had this problem - does anyone know where I can get an adaptor or a replacement lead to connect the ssb to a USB port? The ssb end of it looks like a straightforward audio jack (i.e. like a walkman headphone jack). Also, how do I know which USB port to use (the thing's got 4 of them!)?
I want to us the jv comm software, which has been recommended, unless anyone knows of anything better?
Any help much appreciated, as always.