Taking The Muck Out Of Mucky Farter


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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I am thinking of getting the saloon reupholstered. All the seating has been done last year. So no. its the cieling the sides and the dashboard. But none of this is the problem. Ive got a very good bloke and he might even have fitted the original, cos he worked over the road at Princess once. No the problem is. In order for him to do it. Every blumin wire to the helm has to be undun and everything pulled to bits. So thats all the clocks buzzers and bells for two engines. radar,gps, intercom, vhf, bilge pump steering wheel, engine controls, cig lighter, trim tabs, depth sounder, speedo and what ever other thingy I've forgot but including the auto pilot wot I just remembered and the Chartplotter box of buttons.

So all wires have to come off and be labled, then put back again. Again no problem cos I'm not doing it. Live to far away. But my mechanic guessed 6 to 8 hours to take out and put back together. Has any body done it. He has not. Whats the time estimate. It is a serious question.

<hr width=100% size=1> <font color=blue> Haydn


Well-known member
21 Oct 2001
Alton, hants
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Ive never done the job you describe on a motor cruiser but have worked on some of the Navy's finest.

The problem your guy is up against is, identifying every wire and noting its location as he goes along. When putting it back he's got to allow some time for testing out all the controls/instruments and fault finding. I just hope he's up to doing a proper job because there is nothing worse than intermittent problems with loose connections etc. I think you should also be prepared to be shown some corroded and water damaged cables which may want replacing, all the cabling Ive ever looked at on ships corrodes very quickly in a salt laden environment.

I would say 6-8 hours could be a conservative estimate - good luck with it.

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Well-known member
16 May 2001
Cotswolds / Altea
6-8 hours sounds light to me considereing testing, debugging and fixing faults once it's back together. Any way you could tie him to the estimate?

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