Swedish Stag Nights (Vaguely boaty)


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19 Nov 2003
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In Sweden it is a bit of a custom for the groom to be kidnapped and whisked off somewhere for his stag night, which usually lasts all day and all night rather than the typical British stag night where you all arrange it beforehand go out get drunk and hire a stripper.

The Swedes do it differently.. The groom has no idea until he gets nabbed. He might be dressed up in something crazy... and go do something funny...and then the fun starts!

This particular guy is a keen sailor and when he was kidnapped for his stag night they pasted a false "skippers-beard" on him and put him at the helm of a 60 foot yacht and let him be skipper for the day...

Much beer and fine food was consumed. But nothing nasty happened to him at all...

In the evening when they got back on land and were getting cleaned up for the night club... they all had a sauna as is customary in Sweden....

Imagine the grooms horror when he walked into the sauna where his naked buddies were waiting for him and then to notice that best mate number one had no pubic hair…..

neither did friend two ...
or three ...
or four...

Now check out the false beard ........... Couldn't get the picture to load, but you KNOW what happened kids, don't you? /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif


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24 May 2004
Deganwy Wales
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Beats being tied naked to a lamp post... Pubic hair or not..


I was once on a Norway to Sweden train which included some Norwegian guys having a "stag night" although they called it something else.. Perhaps Elk night ??

Now there is drunk and there is paralytic... Their state surpassed everyone of the know adjectives. When we got into Stockholm they had to be peeled out of the train and the train was taken out of service.


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11 Jul 2002
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We pushed a (inebriated) colleague off the statue of Queen Victoria outside the RVI in Newcastle. When he came to he was in Casualty and was shown a picture of his fractured tibia (lower leg bone to you). He was duly plastered (again) and went down the aisle with his morning suit split open on a pair of crutches.
One week into his two week honeymoon we confessed to the Xray being of someone elses fracture. His wife spent the last week soaking the plaster off - sadly the hairs of his leg came too.
He forgave us (eventually) but his wife never did - even at the 20 year reunion she was decidely sniffy.
One day I'll confess to the painting of "4078th M*A*S*H on the top floor of the nurses home. Made the National news and got us into bother. Oh, the good old days....


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: Brit stag night

i remeber my stag night very well, we went to the pub. Then we went to another pub, and a restaurant i think altho can' remeber the name somewhere in Islington i think, and then praps anothr pub...and then everyone went home! Hah not like a normal night out these days.....


Well-known member
19 Nov 2003
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Re: Brit stag night

I remember my second stag night, as we went to a garage at 1am, most of us hidden off the forecourt, and bought a carwash token. Then we formed a shape of a car, fully clothed, and went through the car wash. Oh how we laughed. The cashier bloke chased us away by bellowing into his pathetic loudspeaker thing.
On someones elses stag night (which I was Gamesmaster for)we went to Amsterdam for the weekend. When I'm dead, I'll get my Executor to publish /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif



New member
23 Jan 2002
Ålesund, Norway.
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Re: \'Norwegian\' Stag Nights (Vaguely boaty)

Last year here in Ålesund, I was stripped of my clothes and gave a Music Corp.. uniform to wear. The other members of the band (in civvies) paraded me thought the pubs of Ålesund where I was made to 'busk' for my beer or should I say drinking money, my money also have been taken. As well as preform other tasks to obtain food etc. Needless to say, being only an honourary member of the band and NOT been able to play an instrument, I finished the night cold sobber, (medical as well as playing ablility) and drove the other 'drunks' home.
I must be the only 'stagger' to finish his stag night cold sobber and been able to drive his fellow 'staggers' home.
Must be some sort of record!