Evidently it was a charter boat and the local; Police spotted the fire smashed their way in and got the family out. Afraid thats all I know. I beleive the cause of the fire will be a subject of investigation. Good job the old bill were there because the family had locked themselves in... one thing I personally NEVER do is lock the doors if I am aboard. My wife OberGruppenfuhrer Eileen of the Wives Geheimestatspolizi (at present planning to invade Poland) tells me that that marina has had some problems with thieves etc. and says that is why they most likely locked themselves in when they went to bed.
That's as much as I gleaned from the D. Mail. I agree with you about not locking the cabin door; not that it would take much to smash thru mine. Here the likelihood of anyone entering ones boat at night is remote because many people, not us, have guns aboard, even M16s!
Heard from a friend of mine that's a skipper in Sotogrande that things might not be all the appear. Appartently there are some questions over the crew's qualifications and whether or not the insurance will cover the boat because of this.
<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by kimhollamby on Mon Oct 29 13:46:30 2001 (server time).</FONT></P>