New member
Summer \'WOZ ERE\'.....Pickies!!! Med Boys Eat Your Heart Out
What a weekend.................Blimey all my bitching about the weather, I was finding it hard to come to terms with boat ownership under a constant dismal summer, the 'Wham' the useless weather men got it right!
Had a great weekend with my wifey, brother and wifey, dad and his wifey, and played around in the Solent on the Saturday evening..............
yep we went swimming!
After the transom shower head had been broken by my brother in his haste to warm up a bit..............out came this
Then with the arrival of an amazing piece of enterprise........then came this.
Amazing the QM.2, we messed around for a couple of hours and went home to Sparkes..........which was looking a little bit empty, amazingly some boats that haddent moved for months were out at sea!!! /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
Sunday was all planned by the proud owner of this beautiful Targa 48, and a great day he had organised indeed with a little help from one or two Sparkes regulars /forums/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
We headed off in glorious sunshine, toward the 'Isle' with the intention of seeing the P.1 class racers blasting past us.
we waited and waited and bloody waited...........nothing, but not to worry, there was plenty going on to keep us happy..........Loads of Lobster and 'Pink Pop'... /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif
I owe you some dosh for Lobsters Vince!! /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif
The two Targas must have looked a treat belting along in the fantastic sunshine, my brother must have said '5 star living this' at least ten times in the first half hour of our journey!
My 'Little By Comparison Targa'...........looked a nice piece of kit tied up in the sun....
The journey became even more entertaining with a guided tour of every little Nook And Crannie of the Islands coastline, the sea being like a millpond, and every few seconds I was convinced we were in the med.........
'Fightstar' looking fantastic in the sun....
I had been here once before, during my 'Day Skipper' course, flippin weather was a good deal different then however,
As we progressed my dad was muttering about the QE 2's funnel in the distance, and bloody hell we were in for a rare treat indeed, with the third 'Proper Ship' sighting in two days.....
I would like to thank everyone for letting us join in the fun over the weekend, it was a fantastic experience for us, really what owning a boat is all about........... As newcomers to boating we have a lot to learn, and you rely on friends with loads of experience to show you the ropes..............when they do, the hundred grand plus investment seems all worthwhile, and the sunshine was the icing on the cake.
Thanks again you guys who made the weekend and eye opening occasion for us.
/forums/images/graemlins/smirk.gif /forums/images/graemlins/smirk.gif /forums/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Thanks to Sparkes for still having Diesel when we needed it!!! /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Jas. and Mrs Jas.
What a weekend.................Blimey all my bitching about the weather, I was finding it hard to come to terms with boat ownership under a constant dismal summer, the 'Wham' the useless weather men got it right!
Had a great weekend with my wifey, brother and wifey, dad and his wifey, and played around in the Solent on the Saturday evening..............

After the transom shower head had been broken by my brother in his haste to warm up a bit..............out came this

Then with the arrival of an amazing piece of enterprise........then came this.

Amazing the QM.2, we messed around for a couple of hours and went home to Sparkes..........which was looking a little bit empty, amazingly some boats that haddent moved for months were out at sea!!! /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
Sunday was all planned by the proud owner of this beautiful Targa 48, and a great day he had organised indeed with a little help from one or two Sparkes regulars /forums/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

We headed off in glorious sunshine, toward the 'Isle' with the intention of seeing the P.1 class racers blasting past us.
we waited and waited and bloody waited...........nothing, but not to worry, there was plenty going on to keep us happy..........Loads of Lobster and 'Pink Pop'... /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif
I owe you some dosh for Lobsters Vince!! /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif

The two Targas must have looked a treat belting along in the fantastic sunshine, my brother must have said '5 star living this' at least ten times in the first half hour of our journey!
My 'Little By Comparison Targa'...........looked a nice piece of kit tied up in the sun....

The journey became even more entertaining with a guided tour of every little Nook And Crannie of the Islands coastline, the sea being like a millpond, and every few seconds I was convinced we were in the med.........
'Fightstar' looking fantastic in the sun....

I had been here once before, during my 'Day Skipper' course, flippin weather was a good deal different then however,

As we progressed my dad was muttering about the QE 2's funnel in the distance, and bloody hell we were in for a rare treat indeed, with the third 'Proper Ship' sighting in two days.....

I would like to thank everyone for letting us join in the fun over the weekend, it was a fantastic experience for us, really what owning a boat is all about........... As newcomers to boating we have a lot to learn, and you rely on friends with loads of experience to show you the ropes..............when they do, the hundred grand plus investment seems all worthwhile, and the sunshine was the icing on the cake.
Thanks again you guys who made the weekend and eye opening occasion for us.
/forums/images/graemlins/smirk.gif /forums/images/graemlins/smirk.gif /forums/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Thanks to Sparkes for still having Diesel when we needed it!!! /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Jas. and Mrs Jas.