Suggested voyage first timers


New member
17 Jul 2007
Jersey CI
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Hi all , thanks for previous advise re which boat have decided to look around and visit Southampton boat show. If i had the money my dream boat would be a Southerly 35 or next one up. Any way, what are your suggestings for a couple of first timers. We have a stink boat at the moment which we will be selling. Have boated for many years around the Channel Islands and France,cruised a Lagoona 43 catamaran around Croatia for just 2 weeks, sailed a Swan 57 Antibes to Corsica 2 weeks and sailed a J class "Valsheda" for 4 days Jersey to Cowes. Also used to race hobie cats 16' around a few places. Including the tour of GB, 6 weeks great fun. So im not against a cat for a big trip of 1 or 2 years. Just would like some reasurance that a big cat would be ok in a blow. Ok any suggestions for a route. Please ?


New member
11 Jul 2007
The Virgin Islands
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Where do you start???
Where are you starting From???

Our 36ft cat cant read so when we where hit by 50ktSW winds and in 2kt NE current (off NW coast of Africa) 40ft waves were what resulted, the whole thing lasted 5 days of which we spent 3 hove to...... so dont tell our cat that they are not supposed to.
36ft cat in the yUK is/was a big boat but the rest of the world is into 50-60 and even 70ft cats now.


New member
17 Jul 2007
Jersey CI
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Hove to where in 40' seas ???
In awnser to your questions. Starting from Jersey CI Presuming ushant, north coast of Spain. Portugal, then its either Corsica. down to the bottom of Italy etc. Where are you now. ?

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