Strofades islands


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22 Nov 2009
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Here (click) member @youp asked me about Strofades islands and if it is ok (admin?) I posted a new thread.

Strofades islands.
I've been there twice and it always impresses me.

My starting point was Keri/Zante and it took me five hours of sailing, catching one tuna on the way.
When sailing towards the islands, first thing you see is a block shape of monastery rising above the islands.

strofades distance.jpg

The funny thing is that is looks giant until you actually step on the island. Strofades are full of mystery:)


Do not approach to the anchorage between the island from the west side since there are rocks under or just above the water. Arriving from the east side is no problem.

Anchor as close as possible to Arpia (north island).
Depths between both islands are 5 to 7 metres.

There are separate rocks on the bottom, partly sand and grass.
strofades bottom 2.jpg

I could not escape without my chain being twisted around and below the rocks. But it is not deep so it is easy to see what is the problem and how to solve it.

strofades bottom.jpg

NW blows here usually strong and there is as swell coming around the island making anchorage almost untenable in stronger NW. I have been here in 18kts constant wind and it was not pleasant.

My suggestion is to wait for a good weather forecast and stay there for at least two nights.

Arpia has two small houses (one is a church), a lot of paths, even a well...
Fisherman do tie there and there are several buoys that they use (to shallow for a SY...).

strofades anchorage.jpg

Southern island is the »main thing«. There is a old monastery and a fortress. It is really something to see since the island is totally flat and this monastery sits there...

At the time there was no monk on the island and even no rangers (Strofades is a natural park- birds etc... what is strange is that I have seen a lot of empty ammunition on Arpia; I guess not all respect the law...).

There are several farmers from Romania.

You can open the gates of the monastery and take a look around. If you are going there send me a PM so I can tell you where a big, old key is so you can also check the fortress. So I call the big, cube building. There is a church inside and if you can imagine the big massacre of the monks in 16th century... well it is a very mysterious place. I hope that they will restore it sometimes and that the visitors won't ruin it.

Enjoy nature, silence and peace.

Useful link:

alexsailor the best neighbour on the anchorage :p


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5 Apr 2010
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Thanks Alex. Great stuff. Better than your average pilot. Hope to sail there tomorrow. Will send you a PM ( if I find out how to do this) to get the location of the key. Joep


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5 Apr 2010
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Great place but busy :) with three boats in the bay of northern island. Anchor chain got twisted around one of the many rocks but with a clear view and a quick dive we got away.


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22 Nov 2009
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Anyone been to Strofades Islads last or this year? I’ve heard that the monastery is damaged due to earthquake?