
Well-known member
12 Sep 2001
Home - Southampton, Boat - Gosport
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I sold a car last January and sent the paperwork off to DVLA the same day. Foolishly, I didn't keep a copy.

A few days after I sold the car it was photographed in a bus lane and I got the bill. I contacted DVLA, who sent me a letter confirming the transfer and a photocopy of a document, which I sent to TFL.

Today, I got a letter back saying that as far as they are concerned I was the owner, so pay up. I've just spent 1/2 an hour on the phone to them. It seems that because the postcode isn't complete, they won't accept the papers I sent. It's their policy. It seems that a letter from my insurance company confirming that they've transferred the policy to another car, even though I did it a month and a half later might do. My (soon to be ex-) broker won't do this. AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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A few questions.

What happens if I can't satisfy them and don't pay? The original minion talked about bailiffs. Can they realy send a bailiff round and, if so what happens if he leaves horizontally or is otherwise resisted?

Where can I find an Uzi, a few hundred rounds and the address of the bunch of morons who actually run the whole clusterf***?

Any other sensible advice?


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
Haslemere/ Leros
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You can only be guilty of an oddence if you were....... - you have proof that you were not the owner. I would send them a letter saying that anymore chasing will be regarded as harrassment and that you will sue them for £

Frankly I would not even waste any breath for them - you have the proof - so tell the little bureaucrat to bog off.

Phoenix of Hamble

Active member
28 Aug 2003
East Coast

I'd phone back the oik who you were speaking to. Tell him/her that you have spoken to a lawyer and your lawyers have requested that the this department confirm in writing the policy of not accepting a DVLA document that excludes a postcode, the legal registered head office address of TFL and the personal name and phone number of TFL's Legal Counsel. This will in my experience usually make them think that its not worth the effort.

I don't know about TFL, but many of these Kwangos use 3rd party debt collection agencies who are paid on how many outstanding debts they collect. They will quickly make a judgement call about whether its worth chasing or not, and often the threat of legal action is enough to make them back down as usually they are just bluffing about policy to get as much collected as possible....


New member
17 Mar 2004
tite stops your nuts falling off
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If peeps keep re-electing Ken,
this will keep happening.

I recently attempted to pay Ken's charge at ten to the hour,
by the time I got through to a human it was two past the hour.
"Sorry it's now a penalty charge"
The man hates cars, what do you expect?

The idea is now spreading to car tax, automatic fine
if you fail to retax on time.

The Country is going to the dogs,
Long Live the Revolution!

Phew... feel better now

Regards Briani


New member
27 Nov 2002
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An alternative to the horizontal bailiff may be to make a Statutory Declaration. Dunno who TFL are but most authorities will accept a stat dec.

Best to avoid bailiffs - you not only have to put up with them but pay them as well - even horizonal ones.
1 Jan 2005
South West
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Dunno about the baliff's however, the UZI can be obtained in most inner city pubs. Remember the following when attempting to purchase:

1) Wear Burberry check, and tracksuit bottoms that display a suitable amount of white socked ankle and of course who can forget the bling from Argos, pound stretcher or other such reputable traders.

2) Ensure you use the correct dialect e.g. "say wot u fink is a fair price m8 for the shootah"

3) After completing the deal play music that is 250bpm at a volume that can cause internal organs to implode and cause small tremors in the surrounding area whilst engaging in a "Burn out". This is where you rev the tits off the engine with the handbrake engaged and let go off the footbrake. This will guarentee a sizeable amount of smoke to conceal your getaway.


New member
26 Jun 2004
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You hit the nail on the head; people get the government they deserve. I can't believe there are enough brain dead people in the UK to re-elect Red Ken, Bliar and his crowd of deadbeats.
Have a good Easter while you still can.