Straits Sailing in Gibraltar.


New member
10 Mar 2005
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Hi everyone:

I’m thinking of taking a sailing course with Straits Sailing in Gibraltar. The people running the school seem very friendly and professional; however, I’ve only communicated with them via e-mail, and I have never met them or seen their school.

Does anyone have any feedback on this school? I’m especially interested in first-hand experience.

Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


New member
16 Mar 2005
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My wife and I have done various courses with them over the years and have had no hesitation in recommending them to friends who seemed pleased with the experience.

As well as being good at training, folk also seem to have fun. It helps that they usually sail in the sun with decent winds.

Enjoy yourself.


Well-known member
18 Jan 2003
Nazare Portugal
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After impulsively ordering our first big boat some 7 years ago decided that 2 weeks flotila holiday might not hack it as Skipper of our own boat in the Solent. Did the day skipper with them and thought they were good. SWMBO was awarded her day skipper certificate with the imortal words "I am awarding you this certificate stating that you have completed the course and that I have shown you all that is necessary - it does not prove you know it though". Compared to the other 2 students on the course we were the weakest link! With SWMBO lack of theretical knowledge it was a fair call. Enjoy the course but be warned - while rated tidal it will not teach you to berth in say the Hamble with 2 knots of tide going with you.