Storm Sails, Sadler 32


8 Mar 2004
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Anyone with experience of rigging stormsails on a Sadler 32?

Mine has a roller genny and lazybag type main, and a babystay down to aft edge of forehatch which is too close to mast for a sail.

1) I worry that a sleeve type jib is too far forward and too high. Is it? - is a seperate inboard forestay (demountable?) an answer? Or other ideas?

2) How to fit a trys'l? Seperate track to side of existing main track, or is there a better way? Seperate haly'd or use exstg/topping lift?

3) Advice on best size/construction of such sails appreciated.

Plan shorthanded ocean cruising so simplicity is of the essence.

4) Finally - Anyone got such sails and want to sell?



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28 Jul 2003
West Australia
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You might consider having the baby stay moveable to a point further forward.
Use highfield levers to make moving and tensioning easier. Have a storm jib on the baby stay with some overlap past the mast may be adeqate for sail with the mainsail stowed. Just have deep reefs for the main in that nearly storm range. No no nexperience tho. olewill


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28 Apr 2003
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I have a similar boat to the Sadler 32 (T31 half tonner) and I have a second, removeable forestay that I leave on the toe rail when not in use.

When in use It fits a few inches behind the RR forestay and is tensioned by block and tackle.




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16 May 2001
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i imagine your babystay is just there to counter the pull of the lower shrouds & is too short to be any use in this context. among other things you want to get the tack of the storm jib well above deck to avoid scooping up green water.

a removeable inner forestay is probably your best answer. it will need to be attached close below forestay to avoid the need for runners to support the mast and you will probably need to reinforce the deck. a highfield lever is the best way to tension the stay. if the jib is set well back from the forestay it should work ok to windward without the need for a trysail.


12 Nov 2001
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I have a Sadler 32 and had a removable inner forestay fitted by the boatyard last year. It goes to the U bolt on deck just behind the anchor locker. The U bolt needs to be re-enforced. This was done by strengthing the bulkhead at the back of the anchor locker and attaching it to that. My boat came with a storm jib but I had to get new hanks and have them re-positioned for the inner forestay.
There is a lot of info on this on the discussion forum on Mike Lucas's website: - try a search on forestay. The site also contains info on sail sizes/cloth weights (in the Articles section).


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20 Feb 2004
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I have a 32 footer, and have used trysail and storm jib a few times. The mast is Sparlight, integral track, with gate for sail slides about 5ft up: also a slider for the gooseneck and an opening for it at the bottom. That set-up allows me to furl and lash the main and lower the boom far enough to make space for trysail slides below the gate. It also allows me to drop the boom end to the cockpit coaming and secure it, (normal practice) or to remove it altogether and lash it on the deck for extreme conditions. I had my trysail made in bright orange cloth, and short in the luff so it could be set as a jury rig in the event of mast broken above the spreaders; it is cut to bring the clew to where it can be lashed to the boom-end like a mainsail OR sheeted direct to hefty cleats on the quarters when the boom is down. The change-of-rig is not too difficult for one person (though much easier for two with the boat hove-to under small staysail) and the trysail has given sterling service several times -- with storm jib and small staysail we can power to windward in quite serious weather: I reckon it is well worthwhile, and I would not go far offshore in northern waters without it: having the mainsail blown apart above the deepest reef is not a pleasant prospect.