Storm forecaste or will it come to nothing.


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26 Jan 2004
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As we approach March 2019 the still waters that gently lap our hulls are turning into little wavelets and as the months go on small wave getting larger making good size waves what we trying to ignore is the day comes the waves are breaking over our bows .
Yes the day we no longer part of the EU .
The general feeling seen to be with most of us including myself is wait and see , hoping nothing is going to change , some of us already have taken precautions in case the shit hits the fan .
But what about the rest ?
For them only sailing a few months a year I guess it's not going to be a problem , but for the full time liveaboard or people who season extends to seven months or more , what your plain if it all goes tits up .


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26 Jan 2004
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Hi Nortada
Yes and did post on there , but it more for people living in one country mostly expat in apartment and I know it's not your doing but it seen to be centered around tho in Portugal,
where for the small amount of us brits , maybe a hundred or so living full or part time ( six month plus ) and cruising from country to country in the EU ,its very different thing .
I think if I was in your position I would just go for residence and be done with it and if it's comes to light where EU residence only apply in the country that you applied for then it just mean if if you happen to be one who also own a boat or camper van and cruise/ drive for some months in the summer getting back to the country your register in before the 183 , or what ever days are up .
But for us who are cruiser it's another story , just talking for myself we visit at less three country each year , this year it be five ,
So this was posted to get there reaction and maybe give people like myself some idea what to do next .
I know a few ( 20 or so ) who spend most of there time in Greece and for them I would consider thinking about residence there but not before getting good legal advise ,
no doubt no one not even the UK government know what the out come going to be .as yet ,
The best any one can ask for is an few more extended years .
Any one who can get dual nationality would be my first approach in this way you not tighten down to one country .
this is in no way to compete with your thread , I sure when my is disappeared , your will still be going strong .
I keep watching your thread and replying if I have anything useful to say .
good thread by the way
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Well-known member
24 May 2012
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Hi Nortada
Yes and did post on there , but it more for people living in one country mostly expat in apartment and I know it's not your doing but it seen to be centered around tho in Portugal,
where for the small amount of us brits , maybe a hundred or so living full or part time ( six month plus ) and cruising from country to country in the EU ,its very different thing .
I think if I was in your position I would just go for residence and be done with it and if it's comes to light where EU residence only apply in the country that you applied for then it just mean if if you happen to be one who also own a boat or camper van and cruise/ drive for some months in the summer getting back to the country your register in before the 183 , or what ever days are up .
But for us who are cruiser it's another story , just talking for myself we visit at less three country each year , this year it be five ,
So this was posted to get there reaction and maybe give people like myself some idea what to do next .
I know a few ( 20 or so ) who spend most of there time in Greece and for them I would consider thinking about residence there but not before getting good legal advise ,
no doubt no one not even the UK government know what the out come going to be .as yet ,
The best any one can ask for is an few more extended years .
Any one who can get dual nationality would be my first approach in this way you not tighten down to one country .
this is in no way to compete with your thread , I sure when my is disappeared , your will still be going strong .
I keep watching your thread and replying if I have anything useful to say .
good thread by the way

Hi Vic,

The reason that the other thread is centered on Portugal is simply because predominately folk in Portugal are subscribing to that thread.

Folk in other areas could easily redress this balance by posting their experiences in their area on that thread - possibly by identifying their location and specific interest.

Alternatively, they could generate specific area related threads but this would dilute the debate and would not serve the needs of folk like your good self who cruise between the EU countries.

For me to do nothing but hope for the best is not an option so folk have should make the effort to research the best solution for their situation and if they are prepared to share what they discover, so much the better.

A residence permit would appear to be on solution but the full implications need to be considered and there is a general question, " Can folk afloat, with out a land based abode, get a residence permit?" If not how to get around this problem?

Will visas provide another solution for some (believe France can issue a 9 month visa?) but what implications would Schegen bring?

You will be aware I am getting number of inputs by PM and it is becoming increasingly apparent that Portugal may have the most benign attitude to longer term visitors. Especially if they are 65 or older.

As said, I intend to do a bit of serious research following my return to Portugal next month.

Vic many thanks for your input.
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26 Apr 2017
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We’re hoping that it takes a few years to sort out, maybe til the end of 2020, until we are limited to 90 days and, with that in mind have brought our cruising plans forward by a few years ( yes, I know, any excuse!). This will hopefully give us 2 x 7 month seasons before we have to think about going further afield, although that won’t be too much hardship as going further afield is part of the appeal for us. But if we can’t do at least 2 seasons in the med we will be disappointed, maybe we will start researching Montenegro, Tunisia, Morocco, etc.



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24 Jan 2010
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Nortada you are doing a great job but I understand Vic’s point.

If you are rooted in one country, there may be an available solution in that country. However, if you just want to keep a lifestyle going that requires free movement within the EU there appears to be no current easy solution.

Locating in the Eastern Med with the possibility of visiting countries that are outside Schengen seems like one option. But then you need to be willing or have a desire to visit the countries available e.g. I’m not sure that Turkey would be a country that we’d otherwise choose to visit at this time but visiting Croatia for a few months to extend our season would be fine.

ATM I don’t think that anyone can confidently predict what the options will be for Med cruisers after next Easter. If the moves made this week by the ERG follow through then the future is very uncertain and a no- deal scenario without even the transition period could occur.

Interestingly we’ve met several cruisers this year who appear to be sailing outside the current arrangements. For eaxample we met a couple on a boat which was French flagged, who spoke Italian, but lived as permanent residents in Switzerland. They told us that they had no problems sailing for long summers in the Med because everyone just presumed that they were French (or Italian) and never really questioned them. There is no serious record of entry/exit to Europe from Switzerland so no record of the number of days that they were in the Schengen zone.

This makes me think that whatever the outcome, it’s also the policing of it that will impact our lives.



Well-known member
24 May 2012
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Nortada you are doing a great job but I understand Vic’s point.

If you are rooted in one country, there may be an available solution in that country. However, if you just want to keep a lifestyle going that requires free movement within the EU there appears to be no current easy solution.

Locating in the Eastern Med with the possibility of visiting countries that are outside Schengen seems like one option. But then you need to be willing or have a desire to visit the countries available e.g. I’m not sure that Turkey would be a country that we’d otherwise choose to visit at this time but visiting Croatia for a few months to extend our season would be fine.

ATM I don’t think that anyone can confidently predict what the options will be for Med cruisers after next Easter. If the moves made this week by the ERG follow through then the future is very uncertain and a no- deal scenario without even the transition period could occur.

Interestingly we’ve met several cruisers this year who appear to be sailing outside the current arrangements. For eaxample we met a couple on a boat which was French flagged, who spoke Italian, but lived as permanent residents in Switzerland. They told us that they had no problems sailing for long summers in the Med because everyone just presumed that they were French (or Italian) and never really questioned them. There is no serious record of entry/exit to Europe from Switzerland so no record of the number of days that they were in the Schengen zone.

This makes me think that whatever the outcome, it’s also the policing of it that will impact our lives.


Garold agree all you say but another thought for those who wish to cruise The Med.

Get a Residental Permit (RP) in any EU/Schengen Zone country.

Then, post Brexit, armed with this (RP) you should be able to enter and remain for an unlimited period of time in any other EU country and move freely between other EU countries.

No doubt there will be other ‘fixes’ including using visas to travel in the Schegen Zone, to be explored.

The crux of the whole issue will be ‘policing’ but this will be impossible to guess prior to Berxit.

Doing nothing is not a sensible option!
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Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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Garold agree all you say but another thought for those who wish to cruise The Med.

Get a Residental Permit (RP) in any EU/Schengen Zone country.

Then, post Brexit, armed with this (RP) you should be able to enter and remain for an unlimited period of time in any other EU country and move freely between other EU countries.

No doubt there will be other ‘fixes’ including using visas to travel in the Schegen Zone, to be explored.

The crux of the whole issue will be ‘policing’ but this will be impossible to guess prior to Berxit.

Doing nothing is not a sensible option!

I like to think your right , but I not sure that's going to be the case, getting RP in one EU may only limit you to that country and not give you free of moment .
Of cause at the moment we all talking out of our bums . Guess guess and more guessing .
The only thing that's almost 100% is duel nationality. But it's not a option for most .


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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I like to think your right , but I not sure that's going to be the case, getting RP in one EU may only limit you to that country and not give you free of moment .
Of cause at the moment we all talking out of our bums . Guess guess and more guessing .
The only thing that's almost 100% is duel nationality. But it's not a option for most .

Why would you want dual nationality when all you need is a RP and attempting acquire a second nationality could bring with it a whole new raft of problems?

Talking out of our bums?

This may be true but I am looking at the current situation (i.e. RP and visas) which are currently in place and should survive Brexit.

Hence my interest in the US nationals who have settled in Nazare.
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Well-known member
22 Oct 2005
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This has got to be a hidden code:confused: :encouragement:

Serves me right for answering an email header before I read the content. I thought it was about the approaching Hurricane in USA and I was in a hurry so penned a response to show my success at weather forecasting.

One good reason (apart from search engines) why a header should reflect the content.


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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Why would you want dual nationality when all you need is a RP and attempting acquire a second nationality could bring with it a whole new raft of problems?

Talking out of our bums?

This may be true but I am looking at the current situation (i.e. RP and visas) which are currently in place and should survive Brexit.

Hence my interest in the US nationals who have settled in Nazare.

Re talking out of our bum , I should had said me talking out of my bum , the fact is I know no more the Mrs May at this stage .
Re , RP for me and May cruisers who move around an RP would be impossible to get as we not in one country long enough
And even so the way it stand if you take account of others from outside the EU with RP in Sicily and Malta , it doesn't give the freedom of moment in other EU country , this I do know .

Which leave dual nationality, it doesn't mean you have to reside in that country or pay taxes in that country but it doesn't as a EU citizens give you freedom of moment .
And this for me any way is what I am after .
If you have a parent or grandparent come to that Irish, Dutch or what ever , then dual Nat I would think is the best way forward .


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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Understand what you want is a second passport?

During the winter months could you not contrive ‘to be’ in an EU country long enough to get a Residence Permit?

Don’t have to be in ‘residence’ all of the time!

Will PM you.
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Active member
16 May 2001
Winter St Ives, Cambs; summer Ionian
I guess there are umpteen different circumstances for liveabords. We want to cruise around Greece for about 6 months a year, and winter in the UK. My wife is entitled to dual citezenship of an EU country, although actually getting it is taking forever because of their overload. Once she has it, I think I can reside in any EU country with her by providing:

valid passports
Her registration certificate as an EU national or any other proof of residence in the country
proof of the family relationship (such as a marriage or birth certificate)

I'm hoping that our DEPKA will act as proof of her residence, as we don't have an address.

Has anyone else gone down this route?