Why adhesive? My Volvos use stainless jubilee clips. If you stick them on how do you get them off? To get a good strong waterproof bond the metal will have to be very clean and roughened. Something like Sikkaflex would be ideal but a pig to get off.
This must be where I went wrong. I had a fairline with twin volvo 280 outdrives and never seemed to finish spending money on them. The bellows were replaced every year and secured by stainless jubilee clips only, after much expenditure on elastoplast for skinned knuckles + lots of swearing. Maybe if I had glued them the drives would have been a bit more reliable.
I read an article from a Mercruiser fitter that you should use adhesive as well as the stainless jubilee clips - but I can't find which web site it was on to ascertain which adhesive they use.
According to my Merc Alpha One sterndrive service manual, bellows adhesive, Quicksilver/Merc part No. 92-86166, and SS clamps should be used. It also says don't forget the grounding clips on the bellows or the clamps might corrode.