New member
I have just acquired a twin wheeled yacht and looking to see how to mount a Mamba Drive in the steering linkage, note that the way the yacht has been contructed and a shaft gearbox mount has been set up, think serious joinery may be needed to get it all to fit.
I am sure one knowledgable person can probably confirm if there is an alternative by mounitng the T shaped gear box over on it's side - ie move its alignment by 90 degrees?
The T gearbox is currently set up to look just like an inverted T.
The shaft from one wheel comes down into what can be visualised as the main leg of the upside down T - and another shaft exits one of the sides and off port to the rudder mechanism - and on the other side exit they say 'bolt on the Mamba Drive'.
Trouble is I would need to cut a huge hole in the covering housing to do this - and end up having a Drive motor sticking out into an aft cabin - or an ugly further covering box - if I were to follw this advice from overseas.
Not nice.
Would be good to know if it has to be done as they say and hence the need for advice.
I wonder if the mounting bracket were cut off and rewelded back, so the T gearbox was then lying on its side, and the wheel shaft then going into the upward side of the T, and the shaft to the rudder going off again to port, if I could bolt the Mamba drive underneath on the other side of the T top?
Guess to simplify - can these T type shaft gearboxes give and take drive equally in all orifices?
Not even that sounds nice - but hoping you know what I mean - and someone can please provide some guidance. /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif
I am sure one knowledgable person can probably confirm if there is an alternative by mounitng the T shaped gear box over on it's side - ie move its alignment by 90 degrees?
The T gearbox is currently set up to look just like an inverted T.
The shaft from one wheel comes down into what can be visualised as the main leg of the upside down T - and another shaft exits one of the sides and off port to the rudder mechanism - and on the other side exit they say 'bolt on the Mamba Drive'.
Trouble is I would need to cut a huge hole in the covering housing to do this - and end up having a Drive motor sticking out into an aft cabin - or an ugly further covering box - if I were to follw this advice from overseas.
Not nice.
Would be good to know if it has to be done as they say and hence the need for advice.
I wonder if the mounting bracket were cut off and rewelded back, so the T gearbox was then lying on its side, and the wheel shaft then going into the upward side of the T, and the shaft to the rudder going off again to port, if I could bolt the Mamba drive underneath on the other side of the T top?
Guess to simplify - can these T type shaft gearboxes give and take drive equally in all orifices?
Not even that sounds nice - but hoping you know what I mean - and someone can please provide some guidance. /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif