You need someone who advertises (not a lot) as an Auto Electrician. He'll be in an industrial unit somewhere and have dirty overalls and grubby fingernails.
But he'll be able to fix it, in his workshop, for a few quid.
I know one in Hull, but that's a long way from you.
There is an excellent place in Exeter Street, Plymouth that specialises is starter motor, alternators and the like. Sounds just what you need! Think it's called Autostart or something like that. PM me if you need details and I'll get back to you
after the weekend. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Cheers Jerry
Can anyone recommend a company, preferably in the West Country, who re-builds starter motors? The one I have is not dead, just needs some tlc.
[/ QUOTE ]Try Lucas. There will be one near you. Go for an exchange unit - factory rebuilt and guaranteed. Check out the price before you poo-hoo the idea - you might be in for a pleasant surprise! like a factory re-con unit for less than the local "auto electrician" would charge for a partial overhaul.