Spray Foam



Looking for the address of a company in the Norwich area the makes kits of closed cell spray on foam for hull insulation.....any ideas anyone???


You might like to try "Glasplies" in Exchange and Mart.

They do a closed cell foam that comes in bottles marked "Component A" and "Component B".

You mix them together and then have about 30 seconds to do whatever you need with it.

I guess you could "paint" it on to a surface before it expanded!!

Check with Glasplies - they give excellent advice.

The stuff itself seems to have a long shelf life. I bought some for a project about six years ago and never got round to using it. A couple of weeks ago I was looking for something to fill a bottle to use as a float for a Danbuoy and sloshed a bit of each component into the bottle. Bingo - after a minute or so I had a bottle full of foam (and enough spilled on the barn floor for three more bottles).

What I discovered was that within a few minutes of the foam setting it was friable and easily "worked" so I managed to push the aluminium rod though the centre of the bottle.

A week later I picked up the foam that had landed on the floor (tidyness is not my strong suit) and it is really tough!!

Best regards :eek:)

Ian D


New member
9 Dec 2004
Gosport, Hampshire
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I think that the Norwich company you refer to is as follows

Marine & Industrial Sealants
8 Westwick Hill
Norwich Norfolk NR10 5BQ

Tel 01692 538263

They market Handifoam which I used as spray insulation in my boat.
