It looks like there's a chance that the jet stream may finally be moving northwards. It's been stuck over France and Northern Spain for weeks, but in this forecast, the SW of England and Ireland are actually south of it.
Looking good for early next week. However, I believe the wind direction symbol is misleading - it should be animated, turning through 360 degrees every hour. Also there should be separate wind strength and direction forecasts for each mile of the lakes length. Heading north, close hauled on starboard tack last week I encountered a boat coming south close hauled on starboard tack!
I worked in Barrow - in - Furness for about 18months. HQ was in London. It was very noticable that if it was raining in London it was sunny in Barrow and vice versa!
A place of contrasts though IIRC Grangemouth had half the national rainfall while Seathwait? (the other side of the hill - so to speak) had twice the national rainfall.
Mind you this was all of 20yrs ago now so probably all changed!!
According to the Windermere Navigational Byelaws, section 6.12, the power driven boat that is northward of the other must give way. Strangely, this only applies when approaching a dock. I can only assume that it is common practice for motor boats on Windermere to race each other to the dock to get to the pub first and that the authorities had to intervene in an attempt to limit the ensuing mayhem!
In my case the two weather systems collided before the boats did, sending us off in different directions.
Ah yes, I knew North came into it somewhere. There you are then. Don't try standing on when I'm coming down the lake. It could end in tears! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
"7 : Interference with Windermere Iron Steamboat Company Limited. Notwithstanding anything contained in these byelaws, the master of any vessel shall not intentionally or recklessly hamper the safe passage of a vessel of Windermere Iron Steamboat Company Limited in the areas of the lake specified in byelaw 11.1 (a), (c) and (d)."
Quote from this Weeks sailing report of the Flying Fifteen fleet races in the Westmorland Gazette:-
"A Windermere steamer joined in the race near Stewardsons, churning the waters and very nearly broadsiding a number of the fleet"
Also from the Windermere Class Boat Race (Class boats are not allowed any form of reefing or bilge pumps):-
"The beat to Beech Hill proved to be very tough with most of the 13 crews in the fleet having to bail furiously"
I used to sail my National Ospray on Windermere, only for fun.
One time we were sailing up the lake, or is that down?? North to South. Came to the islands in the middle, then went arse over tit, as the boat went back and forth, under winds from back and forward. It's quite amasing how fast you can go backwards.