Spain - Berths rented privately


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10 Jul 2008
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We're thinking of moving from our current berth, rented monthly from the marina, to a 'sub-let' berth to be rented from a leasehold berth holder. There are many available in Spain at significantly lower cost than those offered by marinas themselves.

If you have experience of this arrangement what are the points to watch out for when making such an agreement?


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11 Dec 2005
Outer Hebrides
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Check with the marina office whether the actual and specific berth is owned or that the berth 'owner' merely has the right to a berth in the marina.

If it is the latter you could arrive late one Friday night to find your boat not on the berth but moved somewhere else by the marina in your absence.

This happened to a friend in Torreveija who assumed he had actually bought a specific berth but found out, the hard way, that he had not!

This is not hearsay. I owned three 12m berths in Tomas Maestre Marina at the time and rushed back to check my contract. It was ok.

Another thing to look at is whether service charges are included in your arrangement. Ten years ago my service charges were €1k pa for each berth. Makes a difference. Same with water and electricity.

Good luck.
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Well-known member
23 Sep 2008
Costa Brava
We're thinking of moving from our current berth, rented monthly from the marina, to a 'sub-let' berth to be rented from a leasehold berth holder. There are many available in Spain at significantly lower cost than those offered by marinas themselves.

If you have experience of this arrangement what are the points to watch out for when making such an agreement?

My experience recently finding a berth to rent in Spain, is that the total price (including the maintenance charge for the sublet leasehold berth) worked out to be exactly the same as a berth let directly from the marina of the same size category.

However in my case, the sublet leasehold berth in question was being managed by a broker.

Obviously your mileage may vary and contracts (for both marina and sublet berths) will vary significantly as well.

In my case I am renting a specific berth - and in this marina it is important as the berths which they rent out for summer visitors are not really safe over winter.

FYI, in France in a public run marina you will normally only have the right to a space somewhere in the marina and not a specific space.

By the way, at the moment, the prices for leasehold berths in Spain seem to be
(annual marina rental charge - annual marina maintenance charge) x years left of lease
which is much much cheaper than any leasehold berth in France.
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Well-known member
5 Sep 2004
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Leasehold berths in some Spanish marinas do not allow the leaseholder to sublet the berth. The accepted way round this is for the subletter to include the leaseholder on the insurance and boat ownership documents. Otherwise, the marina can let the berth and offset rent against part of the management charge.


New member
10 Jul 2008
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Leasehold berths in some Spanish marinas do not allow the leaseholder to sublet the berth. The accepted way round this is for the subletter to include the leaseholder on the insurance and boat ownership documents. .

Does this make the new Spanish 'owner' subject to Matriculation Tax for the boat? What would be the minimum acceptable share to make the workaround viable?


Well-known member
5 Sep 2004
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I don't believe this affects the matriculation tax issue unless one sharer is a tax resident.
It seems to be done with one share.