FWIW the Perkins part number for the 4108 engine mounted fuel filter is 26561117, though it does not have the lower clear plastic bowl but a metal cup. The cartridge is not agglomerating (it has no slits on the underside face); that function is taken care of by a primary filter between tank and lift pump.Hi annoyingly I seem to have take a picture of the wrong bit of my Perkins filter water separator... Is there a standard size for these Perkins CAV filters?
Is it 4415122?
Yep a standard 296 filter, you can get longer versions for bigger filter area but have to get a longer bolt obviously.
I think it is more efficient this way to remove water by agglomeration. Some explanation here in fig 4 & 5.I was always puzzled by these, They are rigged so the fuel passes down through the filter, then up the middle pipe and out. I was tempted to rig them backwards so the muck dropped off under the element, and would be visible, rather than progressively clogging it..