Sorry in advance, but... retaining EU VAT paid status


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12 Oct 2009
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I'm sure that I already know the answer to this, but I can't help but optimistically hope that I may have overlooked something, somewhere. Other than the boat being present in the EU on the night of the 31st Dec 2020, is there ANY other way to retain EU VAT paid status? Please, no Brexit slanging match - just constructive ideas, or more likely, big fat NOs.

(P.S.: Feel free to PM me!)


Well-known member
19 Nov 2019
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I'm sure that I already know the answer to this, but I can't help but optimistically hope that I may have overlooked something, somewhere. Other than the boat being present in the EU on the night of the 31st Dec 2020, is there ANY other way to retain EU VAT paid status? Please, no Brexit slanging match - just constructive ideas, or more likely, big fat NOs.

(P.S.: Feel free to PM me!)
I know Ill get shot down, but, get a T2L, this is basically the Reveners saying that your boat is "European taxes paid" by attesting that it is EU goods. So next year you have a piece of paper saying that your boat was eu tax paid, a good arguing point! Bottom line, nobody really knows until it happens, but a pile of paper to give to johnny foreigner with a gun is always a good start!


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21 Mar 2009
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I know Ill get shot down, but, get a T2L, this is basically the Reveners saying that your boat is "European taxes paid" by attesting that it is EU goods. So next year you have a piece of paper saying that your boat was eu tax paid, a good arguing point! Bottom line, nobody really knows until it happens, but a pile of paper to give to johnny foreigner with a gun is always a good start!



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15 Apr 2018
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I know Ill get shot down, but, get a T2L, this is basically the Reveners saying that your boat is "European taxes paid" by attesting that it is EU goods. So next year you have a piece of paper saying that your boat was eu tax paid, a good arguing point! Bottom line, nobody really knows until it happens, but a pile of paper to give to johnny foreigner with a gun is always a good start!

T2L states that goods are in free movement within the EU customs zone and was never designed to be used by cruising boats. As we leave the customs union on 31/12, it "may" still be valid for boats already present in Portugal and Croatia (the two States who like to see it) but, as far as EU are concerned, boats not in EU on 31/12 will have been exported so I'm pretty certain T2L irrelevant/useless for those boats.


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24 May 2012
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T2L states that goods are in free movement within the EU customs zone and was never designed to be used by cruising boats. As we leave the customs union on 31/12, it "may" still be valid for boats already present in Portugal and Croatia (the two States who like to see it) but, as far as EU are concerned, boats not in EU on 31/12 will have been exported so I'm pretty certain T2L irrelevant/useless for those boats.

Agree, except when the man with the gun demands to see one!


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24 May 2012
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So have T2Ls always been routinely asked for in Portugal (and Croatia?), or is this a recent requirement?

They have never been routinely requested.

Like the vast majority, I have never been asked for one. In Portugal, I think the issue first appeared about 5 or 6 years ago. Additionally, it comes and goes.

The point is, until the end of the transition period, it is easy to get one but after 31/12/20, probably not.


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24 May 2012
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About two years ago? it kicked off at Lagos? its died down since.

Think you may find that most cases were initiated from Faro.

Here in Lagos, I know of only 2 cases. Both of which were easily resolved by rather apologetic staff, insisting they were being directed by head office in Faro.

Seeing a problem coming over the hill, we got our T2L in 2015.

Agree, haven't heard of any new cases for the past 2 seasons.


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12 Oct 2009
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Many thanks for the replies. As you say, it certainly seems sensible to acquire one whilst it's still easily done. It has been added to the 'To Do' list!


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24 May 2012
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I've been Faro based for 14 years and have never met or know of anyone asked for T2L, Lagos is always the place mentioned.

Two cases I have active knowledge of were approached at anchor in Culatra and told to sort it out when they returned to their home port - Lagos. Interestingly, both boats were registered in the Channel Islands.

Authorities in Lagos were embarrassed and advised get in touch with head office in Faro. The Lagos Marina Director spoke both with Faro and HMRC Salford, who sent a stack of C88s application forms to be completed, if required.

I seem to recall a Southern Irish flagged boat was in Albuferia was also pinged and another UK flagged vessel, during a stop when at sea.

Additionally, 2 French flagged vessels got involved - fortunately their English was better than my French and the French revenue were equally helpful and actioned 2 UK C88s?

Initially, vessels were given up to 30 days to produce a T2L or be impounded but a quick phone call to Faro confirmed, that provided action was initiated with in 30 days, no immediate further action would be taken. Fortunately, HMRC Salford were prepared to play ball in this charade and sent a T2L by return of post.

Reason I got so involved was one of the first boats involved belonged to a personal friend.

At the time, I was in the UK so was able to talk direct with Salford so I sorted it out (and got our T2L at the same time). Having developed a good relationship with the ladies at Salford, other boats who got involved contacted me. Hence the aide memoir.

To put it in context, I suspect fewer than 10 vessels in Portugal have been required to produce this form and nothing for the past 2 seasons but post Brexit, who knows.
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24 May 2012
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The above states to fill out page 4 only, with instructions to print 'Issued Retrospectively' in both Box 15 & 16. I don't have a Box 16 on page 4!!! Should I put 'Issued Retrospectively' in Box 15 & 17, or perhaps just Box 15?

Do I need to include any cover letter with my form?

Many thanks as always!!! :)

As I write, I have my T2L in front of me.

As you say no Box 16? 'Issued respectively' is printed in boxes 15 & 17 and over stamped by Salford when the document is returned to you.

I sent a very short covering letter thanking them in advance for their help.

Hope this resolves any confusion.
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12 Oct 2009
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As I write, I have my T2L l in front of me. As you say no Box 16? 'Issued respectively' is printed in boxes 15 & 17 and over stamped by Salford when the document is returned to you.

I sent a very short covering letter thanking them in advance for their help.

Hope this resolves any confusion.

Perfect! Thank you.