Soltron / Startron / Xbee: explaination


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28 Mar 2006
Good day everyone,

It is not the first time I come to this forum and I have had the opportunity to read a lot of things about these products.

I want to be as clear as possible about this topic: I'm not trying to sell any of these products (this is not the place to do so) and I am not trying to criticize any of them (you, as boat owners, are the only good judges by the way).

Yet, I have to be clear with you: my name is Ronan Pennec and I work for the development of the Xbee enzyme biotechnology in Europe, Middle-East and Africa.

<u>1 ) Enzyme story:</u>
I have heard two versions of this story.

One says that Dr. Shinji Makino (not the one in the US by the way) invented the enzyme biotechnology "recipe". His salesman registered the name "Soltron" in Japan and started to sell the product abroad without any agreement from his boss. So, he would have been fired and is now producing another enzyme based product he sells in India, in Japan, in Korea and in UK under the name "Soltron".

Another story tells approximately the same: just change the names. Mr. Sasanuma is the genuine inventor of the product and Shinji Makino is the "thief".

On my mind, both versions are true and yet none is exact. These two researchers were probably teammates and quarelled about who was the first to find the good "recipe". So, each of them decided to go his own way and try to do as best possible with his knowledge.

<u>2 ) Differences between products:</u>
There are basically two products in fact.

One is called Soltron in Europe, India, Korea, Japan and Thailand as far as I know. You can read more about the product at . It is probably originally made in Japan and the only information I know for sure is that the production capacity is somewhat restricted to small containers: up to 20-30 liters.
Finally, it seems to be efficient in some yacht engines.

The other is called Soltron in Australia, Canada, USA and South America. But it's called Xbee in Europe, Middle-East, Africa and India.
You will be able to get plenty of information at [url=""]
, and
Two big differences with the first mentioned product:
On one hand, Xbee (as I will call it to avoid confusion with UK Soltron) is proposed in a wide range of containers. 100-ml & 450-ml bottles, 5-liter and 20-liter pails, 208-liter drums and 24,000-liter isotainers.

On the other hand, Xbee is the only product presently in the market to be certified by laboratories for every commercial claims: EN590 & EN228 European fuel standards certifications; CEC F-23-A-01 & CEC F-05-A-93 recognition European tests by the automobile manufacturers; 98/69/CE European cycles to certify the consumption reduction; European Co-operation for Accreditation to certify the capacity of the product to reduce Greenhouse Gases emissions.
All these technical data has been approved by accredited laboratories and submitted to the European Commission.

To conclude this topic, there is one product to talk about: StarTron. This product is the same as Xbee: it comes from the same producer (enzyme concentrate from Japan, blended product from USA) but it is sold by another company called StarBrite.
Solpower Corporation, StarBrite and Xbee work all hand in hand to develop the product worldwide. Star Tron has been developped by StarBrite to answer the yachting demand in particular worldwide, they are not limited to Europe or to the US.

So either you buy Soltron made in USA, Xbee or StarTron, you will use the exact same product.
When you use Soltron made in UK or Japan, this is something else that I do not know enough to discuss the performances.

I hope this message will be clear enough to avoid any further confusion in this intricate market.

Feel free to contact me if you need any further information or documents at or at +33 (0)2 98 97 89 20.

Thank you very much for having read that topic to its end...


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24 Aug 2004
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Xbee I would like to ask you the same question that has been asked (and not answered) of Soltron many times on the Forum. Where can we read independent published proof that this stuff works?


New member
28 Mar 2006
Dear Thalassa,

My initial message was to answer some questions raised in many other previous topics in this forum.

Yet, you can read more about the advantages to use such a product at for Xbee and for Soltron UK.


New member
28 Mar 2006
Dear BlueChip,

There are only a few independent articles in English unfortunately: Gas & Oil website for example. Yet, if you can read French I will have half a dozen of articles to submit to you written in different magazines:
_ L'Officiel du Transporteur , specialized review in Road Hauling -- leader in the market;
_ Environnement Magazine , specialized in indsutrial environment -- belongs to ;
_ Agriculture Horizon , specialized newspaper for the Agricultural industry;
_ Energie Plus , review produced by the Association Technique Energie Environnement;
_ Transport Info Hebdo , another specialized review in Road Hauling; and
_ Le Marin , specialized fishing industry newspaper.

Of course, you can contact all the Xbee users worldwide to have their own objective point of view. Finally, there are also the laboratories certifications I mentioned in my previous message: I can not publish them in this forum but I would be glad to send them to you by email if requested.


2 Feb 2003
Sorry, missed that completely Exbee, my apologies. But, it was easy to miss, it was shorter than the Tek-dek / Teak deck thread...


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16 May 2001
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Xbee is the only product presently in the market to be certified by laboratories for every commercial claims

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so it can improve fule consumption in engines and cure piles too?


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24 Aug 2004
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Dear BlueChip,

There are only a few independent articles in English unfortunately: Gas & Oil website for example. Yet, if you can read French I will have half a dozen of articles to submit to you written in different magazines:
_ L'Officiel du Transporteur , specialized review in Road Hauling -- leader in the market;
_ Environnement Magazine , specialized in indsutrial environment -- belongs to ;
_ Agriculture Horizon , specialized newspaper for the Agricultural industry;
_ Energie Plus , review produced by the Association Technique Energie Environnement;
_ Transport Info Hebdo , another specialized review in Road Hauling; and
_ Le Marin , specialized fishing industry newspaper.

Of course, you can contact all the Xbee users worldwide to have their own objective point of view. Finally, there are also the laboratories certifications I mentioned in my previous message: I can not publish them in this forum but I would be glad to send them to you by email if requested.

[/ QUOTE ]

I remain unconvinced. The standards you quote are to do with the physical characteristics of fuel and additives nothing whatsoever to do with the effectiveness of the product as a marine fuel additive.

As for independent articles to justify your claims - I looked at the first example you gave on the gasandoil web site that's just a reprinted xbee press release!

If that's the best you can do as an independent review then I'm not impressed


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28 Mar 2006
Well, at least I can answer yes for the fuel consumption.

The Stazione Sperimentale per i Combustibili ran a lab trial to check this capacity and observed a minimum of -2.4%. Yet, regular Xbee users notice better results up to 6-7% in average after about three months of permanent treatment of the fuel.

The second point has never been tested and I will let you judge by yourself Sir.


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28 Mar 2006
The standards you quote are to do with the physical characteristics of fuel and additives nothing whatsoever to do with the effectiveness of the product as a marine fuel additive.

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I am sorry but I do not understand what you want to tell me Sir. Can you detail your question or your doubts?

Concerning the press articles, I would be glad to send them to you by email so you could judge their value -- please follow the link for taking a first look. Although you're right when stating that the one available in English is not as "impressive" as it should be. You have to understand that we first started by informing our national media before doing the same with other European medias. I am sure we will be able to send you other articles in other languages by the end of the year...


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14 Mar 2002
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a few years ago there was a test by one of the mags of the various potions available. Cant recall the details too well, other than some products did seem to fair better than others, but that also depended on whether you wanted a rapid cure, or a permanent cure. Anyone remember more... or got the mag?


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16 Sep 2002
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Dear Mr. Xbee


Detailed corrections have been sent to Mr Ronan Pennec so that he can with draw his erroneous comments. Solpower Japan Corporation – the owner of the product called SOLTRON® - withdrew the marketing rights from Solpower Corporation of the USA in 1998 (thats why they are not soltron). The products now sold as X-bee and StarTron are the same and are said to contain Toluene, Benzene and 0.05% proprietary product.

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For more information information about soltron itself please go to our web site and look around. Under the R&D section you will find out about our testing.

I am not going to say any more on the matter, as higher powers have instructed me.


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11 Jun 2002
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Could you please explain why when you buy UK Soltron, why it would be any less efficient than yours, as your post doesn't make the difference clear. We've always known there were competitive brands, what we are unclear about, are the actual differences in claims and performance

As far as I can see, they are the same product, just with lots of arguements about who owns the rights and got there first.

I've been warned off several times with pm's not to take it any further as legal action ensuing, but I've never seen any legal action, so I can only assume all these claims are merely bluster for the exact same product?


Was it you who was carrying out an experiment a year or so ago, putting the additive into a contaminated sample, in a glass jar, at home, to await the results?

I don't follow the 'enzyme' argument at all. However, more than one product (AFAIK NOT Soltron) contains emulsifiers which allow any water in the tank, to become an homogeneous emulsion capable of passing harmlessly through injectors. Goodness know how it could work with carburettor petrol engines, though, which it claims to do!

Fuel Doctor is one of those emulsifying products. I have added some to my starboard tank because the sump drain pipe is blocked and it isn't practicable to clear it at the moment. I don't add it to the port tank, which has a working sump drain. Fuel Doctor is being (has been?) approved by Castrol Australia - a fact that I obtained in writing last year directly from Castrol's offices.

Like you, I am still waiting to get to the heart of this issue and find out which products are effective (and under what circumstances) and which are no more effective than a splash of a light, flammable hydrocarbon.


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28 Mar 2006
<u>Reply to BrendanS:</u>
As I explained in my message I'm not here to convince you people to buy or not a product or another. This is not the place.
Moreover, I represent Xbee, not UK SOltron, so I could talk about the first but not about the second. That would be no objective comparison.

There is no more arguments about rights anymore, both products are on the market. Period. And it is probable that years ago they were the same product by the way.
The evolution due to further researches made the difference between the two products but you, final users, are the only one able to see it now.

<u>Reply to Lemain:</u>
We are not the one doing internal tests in glass jars. All the tests I wrote about were lab made by independent laboratories (Intertek Caleb Brett, Ascal, SSC, Prodrive...).

Concerning the technical function of the enzymes, we do have technical material written by specialized enginneers that I will be glad to send you by email if you wish so.

And I will do the same answer as for BrendanS. There is only one way to see which one is effective: try the products and check the results by yourself, as far as it has been proved that none of them will damage your engine of course.


I was writing to Blue Chip when I asked whether he had conducted the tests.

As for the reports you mention, could you possibly post them to a website rather than email them? It would be more convenient for me and also allow others to review the content, allowing an open discussion.

Many thanks.


New member
28 Mar 2006
Sorry for the misunderstanding about the test Lemain.

We can not publish the reports on the internet. They are to be addressed directly to our (prospective) customers, our distributors, not our competitors as you can easily understand. Sorry for the inconvenient.


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16 Feb 2005
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FWIW I have developed a deep suspicion of ANY product whos name ends with tron.
Not to be confused with Nylon, Teflon, Rulon, etc etc etc