Active member
Well I gritted my teeth on this one for as long as I dared but the latest exchanges have got nasty...nothing to do with product, everything to do with an irrevocable slide towards a food fight.
As far as I am concerned it is legitimate to quiz anyone who surfaces here about their products, especially if they have long espoused the merits of those products on here, but exchanging insults does little for the merits of the product - neither does it help to get to whatever answers are being sought.
End of story - we're all going to take a break from fuel conditioners, treatments et al for a bit.
As far as I am concerned it is legitimate to quiz anyone who surfaces here about their products, especially if they have long espoused the merits of those products on here, but exchanging insults does little for the merits of the product - neither does it help to get to whatever answers are being sought.
End of story - we're all going to take a break from fuel conditioners, treatments et al for a bit.