Solara Solar Panels : Good Customer Service


Active member
7 Jun 2001
Nettuno, Italy
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I just wanted to highlight some good customer service/relations ....

I have a flexible 56W solar panel from Solara (SM225M) which has failed after about four years. After contacting Solara I was told that the guarantee was only valid for two years. /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif
However, without quibble they offered to sell me a new one at about half price. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif Whilst I am not happy that the original panel failed so soon; I am satisfied with their commitment to service and the offer they have made. I hope that the failure of the original panel was a "one-off" !!
Anybody else had these panels fail ??? Mine has an intermittent internal contact when you flex the panel. My reason for going the same route a second time is that the panels are very thin and it fits in a deck area just aft of my mast - I was not able to find another make with the same output power for that size.

I have no relation with Solara except as a customer.

Nettuno, Italy.


Active member
7 Jun 2001
Nettuno, Italy
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Well, on reading their publicity carefully they dont actually say how long; but for their rigid panels they talk about 12 years (if I remember correctly). But from my (limited) experience I have seen 15 and 20 years bandied about in publicity; so I was a bit disappointed with 4 years ........... and they are not cheap either!!! Perhaps I should ask Ellen McArthur : she seems to have Solara panels plastered all over her boat !!!!



Solara told me that they are 'guaranteed' for 25 years. I have two 180W panels that I installed in February. I would comment that although I am getting a good power out, they are VERY susceptible to partial shading. Also, the contacts (in the 'sealed' junction boxes are very poor and will almost certainly need to be changed in due course. I'm kicking myself for not having done so when I installed the panels.