Active member
We've been waiting for a day without work commitments and good weather to make our summer move from Eastbourne to Northney. Sunday was that day. Didn't get off to the best start, left berth 10:20, exited lock at 11:55. As we rounded the channel into the main fairway we were greeted with the site of 30 odd boats moored and milling waiting to lock out. After watching a yacht being towed out of north lock a good number of boats exited, but we still couldn't get to the fuel berth. With the next lock it looked like this with a good few more coming from behind.
This beaut went out whilst we were waiting for fuel.
So it's bye bye Seven Sisters 'til the autumn
Rest of the trip was uneventful apart from a rather lively looe channel and the usual dinghy dodgems at the entrance to Chi. With 61.9nm on the log we tied up in Northney at 15:25. Oh and I managed to burn my head through the hardtop roof /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif

This beaut went out whilst we were waiting for fuel.

So it's bye bye Seven Sisters 'til the autumn

Rest of the trip was uneventful apart from a rather lively looe channel and the usual dinghy dodgems at the entrance to Chi. With 61.9nm on the log we tied up in Northney at 15:25. Oh and I managed to burn my head through the hardtop roof /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif