There is a copy of shane Actons book,Shrimpy. Up for auction on ebay at the moment. It is a first edition in large print. The auction ends in 9 days time.
Worth it if you have never read it. You know he died a couple of years ago of lung cancer in a Cambridge hospital aged about 52 ?? Shocking that there was barely a mention of his passing when I see all the coverage that super yacht racers are given!He is much more of an inspiration to your average yachtie that the knighted folk of this world....
Shocking that there was barely a mention of his passing when I see all the coverage that super yacht racers are given!He is much more of an inspiration to your average yachtie that the knighted folk of this world....
Just read it for the first time - not great literature; not particularly gripping or cleverly written.
Absolutely down to earth, matter of fact, inspiring "stop mincing & do it" stuff.
Makes you realise how much b0110c*s is in circulation as regards passage making. Obviously carefully planned (which he doesn't go into in any detail), but re-inforces the conclusion I came to about motorbikes a few years ago - It's all about the rider, not the bike.
Shocking that there was barely a mention of his passing when I see all the coverage that super yacht racers are given!He is much more of an inspiration to your average yachtie that the knighted folk of this world....
[/ QUOTE ]
Couldnt agree more! But then - being Shane he just got on and did it because he wanted to, and without all the hundreds of thousands of squids worth of sponsorship and publicity. He was not out to break any records - just got on with doing his own thing. And that is why he appeals so much to so many of us: he had the time (and the guts!) to do full time what most of us are only able to spend our weekends doing: getting out there and enjoying it!
Couple of copies still floating about in Hampshire Libraries, I believe, unless they've all been nicked. Given the interest, strange it has not been republished.
I remember seeing copies of the paperback a few years ago. And there was also a sequel, not as good. Sure it's not great literature, but beyond the sailing it was the way he reached for his dream. As so many of us fret about the value of our endowments and pension funds, and even whether we will be able to afford our yachts when we cease to work, he just went for it. Probably had a MOD pension, but still went for it..
Incidentally there is a super Caprice ...Shane's boat for those of you who haven't read the book..up for sale at my club...inboard diesel, marine ply, very well maintained by a chippy owner who has just lost interest after his wife died. And probably available at a bargain price !!