I have shore power which enters the boat via a garage type consumer unit - and have a ring main for kettle, tv etc and is completely separate from the 12v boat electrics.
I have 2 AGM batteries - each with their own on/off switch that I switch off when I leave the boat.
I have started to take turns in charging each battery when I leave the boat, using a decent car type battery charger, plugged into the mains.
But apart from turning the switches off I don't disconnect anything on the batteries. And I'm now thinking that the negative is bonded to the boat and I might be causing myself future problems. ( I have a hull anode & shaft anode)
So I'm wondering whether I should I fit a galvanic isolator - and if so any recommendations?
I have 2 AGM batteries - each with their own on/off switch that I switch off when I leave the boat.
I have started to take turns in charging each battery when I leave the boat, using a decent car type battery charger, plugged into the mains.
But apart from turning the switches off I don't disconnect anything on the batteries. And I'm now thinking that the negative is bonded to the boat and I might be causing myself future problems. ( I have a hull anode & shaft anode)
So I'm wondering whether I should I fit a galvanic isolator - and if so any recommendations?