Does anyone know of a small meter unit that will record useage in KVA? (KiloWatt/Hour units). I could try to buy an old electric supply company unit but would prefer something neater.
I once rented a cottage in Scotland and found that the thieving ****** was charging me nearly three times the rate per kWhr that the 'lecky board was charging him.
Most marinas that I know have the 'in-line' meter that is near the boat end of the cable ..... small yellow cylinder job .....
I take it from your posting that your marina doesn't use these ???
You are entitled to actually request viewing the meter / bill readings ...... they cannot just bill you blind, they might resist a bit, but they cannot deny you the right.
I know of one trick that was used ..... not on electric, but still makes you wonder ! A friend of mine with a Moody had been moored in a particular famous Marina for a few seasons. No problem, bit expensive, but he enjoyed the services. Then it came round for re-assessment of charges - they measured his boat and found it 'dropped' into the next higher category and he was asked to cough up a large difference for the coming season and for the preceeding, as they claimed he'd been undercharged......... so why the difference ????? This time they measured his anchor in the stemhead fitting as well, adding another foot at least. So he removed and stowed the anchor away and requested re-measurement..... they refused. So he refused to pay and left the marina, never to return. Threats of action to 'recover' preceeding years dues by the marina faded into the distance as this man, who'd been a loyal user sailed off into the arms of a competing marina ...........