Congrats, and may all your reaches be broad ones.
Slightly smaller pics would be a great help, say 800 x 600 for faster viewing.
Good Sailing /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
the only way to shrink it would be to copy it, edit, then upload to another server. or just say <slow download> in the heading. or you could stick to your guns, anything that encourages the uptake of broadband helps to bring the prices down for all of us /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif
You are lucky, then. In these woods we are told we can expect broad band on the 27th July - but they didn't say which year! On 56kbs I opened that pic in only a few seconds, so no probs. Mind you, my ONSPEED was enabled.
I like the look of your new boat and I hope you have many happy years with her. If you are ever in the Tamar you will find a welcome at Saltash SC.
Yus they are all befor shots, I took them on a pre purchase inspection.
believe it or not the Mistral was blowin & it got to -10, snow on the reviera.
jeezs it was cold all I had were some old jeans & a couple of tee shirts...brrr.
Can you explain what you mean Tony? The picture of Peter's new boat is the same size (594x446 pixels and 345KB) no matter where you view it. Snowleopard mentions shrinking it by copying/editing/uploading it to another server. The image size seems fine to me, but if you reduce the quality slightly you get the same image size with smaller filesize hence faster download. I've saved Peter's picture (without permission!!!) on my PC, opened it up in MS PhotoDraw, clicked "Save for use in...the web..etc, etc" then uploaded the resultant ~60KB file to "my" server. It now downloads quicker even though image size is unchanged, because filesize is lower. Quality is more or less the same when viewed on screen, but would be lower when printed:
Someone some where posted a post (pda now) on how to post a pic???anyone know where i can find it? I saw it some where today but then had to rush off to cook and make sure the wine was alright!
Is the boat already in France, as the port looks very French?